During a new podcast discussion, the Google team gave clear advice to webmasters not to use lab links for migrating sites.
Currently, there are many services that are engaged in detailed analysis of competitors.
TikTok - short, diversely popular videos on all kinds of topics.
Marie Haynes, a seasoned SEO expert, asked Google's John Mueller some questions
How important are positive or negative likes and comments from users on the page?
The most popular social network announced filing a lawsuit against the companies.
In another video chat, the Company's employee John Muller explained: the first year any new resource suffers from constant changes in ranking.
Company employee John Muller commented on the issue of traffic and page blocking during his latest video call with webmasters.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put society in an extremely complex situation that spans many levels.
In the article, we will take a detailed look at the difference between both formats, so that you can decide which is more suitable for you.
Another video chat of the Company's employee John Muller with webmasters was devoted to the constant complaints of site owners about difficulties.
Currently, too many people use Google's search service, which has greatly worried the committee of antitrust regulation.