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Google dispelled the SEO myth about site speed


In fact, in another meeting with webmasters, the constant expert Martin Split explained why it is necessary to focus on the speed of loading pages and dispelled all kinds of horror stories of seoshniks. Let's take a closer look at the report.

List of errors

  1. Speed is not always quality. If a page loads quickly, it does not guarantee a higher ranking in front of a platform with really high-quality content.
  2. However, you need to take care of the download speed as well. Waiting is tiring and leads to loss of interest in the site.
  3. It should be taken into account that the Internet has no borders. If you want to reach a larger area of users, make sure that even with a weak signal your content is available.
  4. Size matters. The smaller the page, the faster it loads. The volume up to 500 KV is considered optimal.
  5. When increasing the speed, you need to remember the little things: the size of the images and the choice of "lazy" and "delayed" download. Just analyze all the pros and cons.
  6. Some reports may lead to incorrect conclusions. Do not act blindly, try, analyze and choose correctly. Read also : How to use the Advego service .
  7. "Go to the people." All our work is aimed at the User, but not everyone has advanced smartphones with high-quality software. It is important to check how your amazing program will work on the coolest and most expensive Android and on the oldest and cheapest.
  8. The newfangled page accelerator AMP is not a panacea. Of course, copying special hashtags and tags will help to advance the page in the ranking, but it does not guarantee complete and irreversible success.
  9. "The world is learned in comparison." Compete with slower pages. If you are faster than the competition, your page will rank higher. But ... do not forget the previous eight tips.

So, Google, as always, supported the developers, smashing their fears into fine dust. Stay with us and follow the news. Was the publication informative? Then share it on social networks. We remind you that you can buy a reliable VPS server and buy a net domain from the CityHost hosting company.

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