The stable operation of our services depends on the power supply of the equipment in the data centers. We learned how DCs solve the problem of turning off the light.
Wanting to help Ukrainians who have lost their jobs, many online educational platforms have made their courses and webinars free.
Midjourney's artificial intelligence creates images based on text requests from users. We tell you how to register and start using it.
Did you know that it is easier to promote a site on a domain with a history? We check and buy a drop domain - step-by-step instructions and an overview of useful services.
Are there many Ukrainian-language channels about IT technologies on YouTube? We have compiled for you a review of the TOP 10 most interesting blogs dedicated to the industry.
The Ukrainian IT-army masterfully spoils the nerves of the occupiers in the Internet space. We have collected for you a digest — the loudest cyber attacks on Russian websites.
Wikipedia knows everything about everything. And what do we know about her? Read interesting facts about the largest encyclopedia in human history.
How to find an error on the website and make money on it? We review bug-bounty programs that offer rewards for finding vulnerabilities.
The virtual planetarium is a unique project that has been under development for 20 years. It will help users study the starry sky without leaving home.
Business page on Facebook - how to register and configure it. Instructions that will help you to correctly issue an effective business account.
When choosing a server for rent, the client can get confused - what does HDD, SSD and other names mean? We talk about the main types of information storage.
How long does it take for Google to index a site? Can a young site get to the top right away? Long to wait? We answer the questions in the article.