A selection of 15 books for IT specialists: programming, DevOps, design, Agile, and artificial intelligence—all in Ukrainian.
We explored old programming languages that remain the foundation of modern banking systems, state infrastructure, and scientific computing.
Alexander, a webmaster with 20 years of experience, creates websites, uniting his family through a shared passion for digital hobbies.
The Story of the Warrior Brotherhood Charitable Foundation, Supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Creating Unique Ammunition
RSS can enhance subscriber loyalty or result in traffic loss. The outcome depends on how the technology is used!
Unusual Ukrainian businesses and strategies that inspire unconventional solutions.
Summing up 2024: updates, development, social activity, and figures reflecting our progress.
Learn how to locate your IP address on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Step-by-step instructions with screenshots and explanations.
Dreaming of a custom educational website, an online gaming platform, a resource planning system, or a CMS? The Laravel can help you achieve this.
How to prepare your website for online payments: security, catalog, privacy, and everything needed to gain customer trust.
Even in the financial world, wonders can be found. Today, you'll learn about unicorn companies and get acquainted with decacorns and hectocorns!
Want to create materials that deliver long-term results? Read our article about evergreen content right now!