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blog 32 How to create a site structure

The correct structure of the site is the key to the success of the project. What does the correct structure of the site look like, what should be considered when forming the structure. Read more on the CityHost blog

blog 29 A variety of templates for sites

Templates for sites are very different. Hosting provider CityHost offers a variety of site templates.

blog 24 What is site backup?

What is a website backup and how to do it yourself

blog 21 What is robots.txt | How to configure robots.txt for WordPress

robots.txt is a file that controls which site pages search engines can crawl, helping prevent duplicate content and protect data.

blog 30 How to correctly write the Title page

What is Title and what its purpose ? About more details in < span title="">blogs hosting-provider CityHost. Learn, what is Title, how correctly write Title,< /span> requirements to Title

blog 28 What sites are created on WordPress

A list of site types for which the Wordpress engine is ideal and which plugins you should use for each type.

blog 23 What are meta tags?

Why do you need meta tags, how to make them correctly, optimization and tools

blog 20 How to find out the owner of the domain

Ways to find out who owns the domain name of the site, information about the owner, as well as the terms of domain registration

blog 31 What is description

How to write the correct description? Go to the link and find out what description is, why it is needed, how description affects ranking, what requirements must be met

blog 27 How to install CMS OpenCart

How to easily and quickly install CMS OpenCart using FTP and autoinstaller from CityHost

blog 19 What is a 403 site error?

The 403 error prohibits access to website resources. Learn about its causes and how to resolve this issue.