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About site adaptability and its impact


For several years, the Internet has ceased to be tied to a PC or laptop. According to data published by Statista, the number of smartphone owners in 2019 was 2.71 billion people. For comparison: in 2014, this indicator was equal to 1.57 billion.

Since smartphone owners mostly use them for shopping in online stores, reading news and articles in blogs, watching videos on video hosting, imagine the rate at which the number of those accessing the Internet from a mobile device is growing. This fact should push webmasters and developers to one opinion - sites should be created adaptively.

Responsiveness of the site is its ability to be displayed correctly on the displays of different devices. An adaptive blog or online store is convenient to view on laptops, netbooks, smartphones, tablets. Online resources that are "crookedly" displayed on one of these devices will scare away the client who decided to buy a product or order a service through such a device.

Also, as of July 1, 2019, Google is enabling Mobile-First Indexing by default for all new domains. This means that the ranking of online resources that appeared after this date will be immediately performed taking into account the data obtained from their mobile versions. Simply put, new non-adaptive blogs, portals, forums, online stores are unlikely to ever rise to the first positions of Google.

Pay attention! The developed structure of the site is an equally important factor in the promotion of an online resource. Blogs and online stores with a small level of nesting of categories, which have a name relevant to the content, get into the TOP of search engine results faster.

What is better: an adaptive site or its separate mobile version

"Isn't it easier to create a copy of the site in the form of an application for smartphones, and leave its current, unadapted version for the desktop?" - most likely, this question has already arisen in your head. Not a bad option. That's only if you don't consider the heaps of pitfalls you'll run into if you do:

  • You will have to create an application for iOS and Android. It is expensive and takes more than one day. It is cheaper and faster to engage in the implementation of site adaptability for mobile devices.
  • It is necessary to come up with a solution for the automatic exchange of information between the main site and the application. It also costs a lot and takes a long time.
  • Users will have to download and install the app. Not everyone will want to do this. Especially if your site is not very popular.
  • You will lose traffic. Google may never know how many people are taking any action in the app. And even more so, this traffic will not be summed up with the traffic of the desktop version of the resource.

As you probably already understood, it is better not to make several versions for each device, but one that will be convenient to view on screens with any resolution and aspect ratio. Next, we will talk about how to check the site for site adaptability in two ways.

How to check site adaptability

Google Chrome and Firefox have built-in developer tools that allow you to see how the site is displayed on different devices. To use this function, go to the online resource that you want to check for adaptability and press the F12 button. In the window that appears, click on the icon in the form of a smartphone, select a specific model of the mobile device and refresh the web page (F5).

How to check the site for adaptability in other ways? This can be done using a special online tool developed by Google. To do this, go to, enter the URL of the web page you want to test, and click the "Test Page" button. Once the scan is done, you will see if the site has any issues with responsiveness. For example, interactive elements are located very close to each other or the font is too small.

How to make the site responsive

First of all, fix the errors found by the mentioned tool from Google. Also, make sure the following applies to your online store, blog or portal:

  • length and width of images automatically change on displays with different resolutions;
  • the font size becomes larger on devices with a small screen and the text is easy to read;
  • if the site is opened on a device on which it was not opened before, the adaptability check is performed automatically, and its results are sent to the developer;
  • site hosting is selected, on which web pages load quickly even when connected via 3G;
  • the design automatically changes on devices with different aspect ratios and display resolutions - the online resource is convenient to use when viewing on a widescreen monitor and on a smartphone with a 4-inch screen.

So you learned what site adaptability is, what it affects and how to check it. This knowledge will help you create a blog, online store or portal that is convenient to use on any device and that search engines love.

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