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What is site pagination and how to set it up


Pagination is the division of a huge array of data (usually of the same type) into small pages. Moreover, with the display of numbered navigation on them.

Most often, page pagination is used in online stores - in categories and sections. It is also found in blogs, where a lot of articles are published.

Correctly configured pagination significantly increases the time the user stays on the site, improves behavioral characteristics. This is important for SEO promotion, so you should understand how to correctly design it.

The impact of pagination on the internal optimization of the site and promotion

Page pagination improves site usability. It makes the site more convenient for users, thereby indirectly influencing behavioral factors.

If you make a mistake when setting it up, duplicate pages or content may appear. Search engines will definitely not like it, and they will "reward" the site with sanctions.

And the complete lack of pagination hurts even more. First, search bots will spend a lot of time indexing the site and may miss important sections. Second, users will have to wait a long time for the page to load. They usually just leave the site long before the store section is even viewable. And it doesn't matter whether you use cheap hosting or expensive, since everything depends on the number of products in the catalog.

As a result, behavioral factors deteriorate, the time spent by users on the site decreases and, accordingly, positions in search results fall. It would seem like a small thing, but how it affects SEO!

We configure the pagination of the site using an example

How to configure pagination of site pages? To do this, follow the following recommendations:

. But keep in mind that the rel="prev" attribute is not prescribed for the first page, and rel="next" for the last page.
  1. Don't close pagination pages in your robots.txt file. Otherwise, there will be problems with the indexation of goods and articles.
  2. Make sure that each page is assigned a unique address.
  3. Write the rel="next" and rel="prev" attributes to indicate the relationship between pagination pages. So search robots will be able to analyze them correctly. The code of all pages participating in pagination is added to the block
  4. The owners of some sites prohibit search engines from indexing all pagination pages except the first. But if full indexing of the content is required, there is no need to close them. Especially if the page-by-page pagination instructions for search engines are already configured.
  5. Write the rel=canonical attribute in the code of all pagination pages. This is to specify the canonical page where all their content will be collected. This will avoid duplicates and poor indexing. But this solution will not work if the pagination contains more than 30 elements. Or if the web resource uses filter search.
  6. If you have a huge catalog in your online store, implement an AJAX version of pagination. As a result, if you scroll down the page, it will be constantly updated. The same happens when you click the "show more N products" button. Ideally, it is desirable to implement both page-by-page pagination and product loading at the same time.

Now you know what page pagination is and how to set it up correctly. Of course, a lot of work needs to be done for internal optimization: choosing a domain name for the site with the main keyword query, collecting semantics, developing a structure, etc. But page-by-page pagination is also one of the important points that must be implemented.

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