Domain registration in Cyrillic has been practiced for a long time, but are there any disadvantages of such a domain name?
Competent pagination of the site and what is pagination in general.
Micro markup of the site — is additional page syntax that helps web crawlers better identify their content.
The difference between 301 and 302 redirects. What is a 301 redirect and how does it differ from a 302.
Optimization of a multilingual site. What problems and features are encountered when optimizing a multilingual site.
What is the optimal number of links on a website page? What is the maximum number of external links that can be on one page
About the title attribute and alt attributes. CityHost offers to learn how to optimize the image of the site.
What should be the nesting level of the page and what it is.
What is a snippet and how it affects the promotion of the site. Go to the link and find out about the criteria and requirements of the website.
Does the design of the site affect its promotion in the TOP of the issue? What factors affect the design of the site and why you should care not only about usability.