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Inactive and active site links


Many nuances must be taken into account when working on external optimization . For example, using active and inactive links. How are they different? In what ratio should they be used? Let's consider it in this publication.

What is an active link?

An active link is a standard link that, when clicked, takes the user to the target page. By default, it is highlighted in blue with an underline, or purple - if you have already clicked on it (although the styles on the site may change at the discretion of its owner).

An active link conveys weight to the referenced document. The amount of weight depends on the anchor used. Ideally, you need to select key queries that most accurately reflect the essence of the landing page. Thus, the weight transfer of active hyperlinks will be carried out in full.

In addition to anchored links, there are also unanchored links. In this case, the link uses either the URL of the page or the words "here", "more details".

For search engines, unanchored active links are considered more natural. And this is important for link ranking. Therefore, anchorless ones are more often used when promoting links .

Users also like such links. The main thing is that there should be text next to the links, by which you can guess where they lead.

What is an inactive link?

An inactive link has a number of features:

  1. It cannot be accessed with a normal click. To go, you need to manually copy the link and paste it into the address bar.
  2. Does not convey weight to the page it links to.
  3. It is an integral part of the link profile from the point of view of search engines.
  4. It has a weaker effect on promotion than active links.
  5. Not indexed by search engines.

In other words, inactive links are inserted as a non-clickable URL. Of course, they do not convey weight to the page and have little effect on the promotion of the web resource. But for users, such links are natural and non-commercial. Search engines also take them into account, so the presence of such links is mandatory.

Learn also : How to create a site using a free site builder .

What links to use?

Basically, the link profile of sites consists of active links. And that's right. But it needs to be diluted with inactive links to make it more natural for search engines.

At the same time, active links should be of the highest quality. It is advisable to combine paid and free links , anchored and unanchored. Search engines approve of a diverse link profile, as it looks more natural to them.


Now you know what an active hyperlink is and how it differs from an inactive one. For the best effect, use both types. Where you can make an inactive link - put it, and in other cases - place active ones. Moreover, they are different: anchored and unanchored. Then the link profile will turn out to be diverse and provide the appropriate result in the promotion of the site.

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