External optimization of the site involves increasing the referral mass. Due to backlinks, the web resource becomes more significant in the eyes of search engines. But here it is important that the reference mass is natural. If the search engines decide that the links are commercial (purchasable), then the effect will be exactly the opposite (reduction of positions or even imposition of filters). Therefore, in this publication, we will consider what is the referral mass of the site, why it is needed and how to increase it correctly.
Reference mass - what is it?
The term "link mass" refers to all external links placed on third-party resources. When various sites refer to a specific project, it is a signal for search engines that it is being discussed and recommended. For them, this is one of the most important ranking criteria, which is difficult to influence. Of course, links can be bought, but Google and Yandex are punished for trying to deceive them.
So the answer to the question of why reference mass is needed is simple. To promote the site in search engines and occupy high positions in the output.
How to build natural reference mass: practical tips
Mass build-up should be:
- Smooth The rapid appearance of links to a new site will cause suspicion in search engines. It is necessary to build up the reference mass smoothly. First, it is recommended to post links on forums and other authoritative sites in the form of comments or reviews. So they will be as natural as possible.
- Gradual Increasing the volume of links should happen gradually. At the same time, it is desirable to adhere to the same amount. If you decide to post 20 links every month, then you need to stick to the plan. And when you increase the number to 40, allocate the budget for this amount of links.
- Stable. If you decide to buy 20 links every month, do it for at least 2-4 months. Increase the volume - stick to it. And do not take breaks - this will raise suspicions that the referral profile is twisted.
- Qualitative. It is necessary to build up the reference mass wisely. Follow the rule: less is more. Do not chase quantity, take care of quality. 10 links left on authoritative sites (albeit expensive ones) will give a better effect than 100 cheap links placed on dubious resources.
- Creative. The link profile should contain both natural and commercial links. The more different anchors, the better. Diversity is always welcome. And the greater the number of sites from which they are laid, the better.
What else do you need to know about building referral mass?
It is recommended to place links on thematic resources that contain useful content for users. So the probability that people will cross them will be much higher. Therefore, try not to use link aggregators, but look for quality sites and negotiate with them about placing external links.
Also, don't forget to keep an eye on your competitors. Sometimes they can play a dirty game: placing low-quality links to your site. You will fall under the filter, and you won't even understand why.
Learn also : How to create a site using a free site builder .
And try to external links:
- had various anchors;
- posted on various sources (on commercial sites, blogs, forums, mass media, social networks, etc.);
- had real transitions of living people;
- led even to non-promoting pages (for example, "About the company").
Now you know what reference mass is and why it is needed. Of course, website promotion is not only about external links. In order to get into the TOP-10 of search results, you need to gather semantics, develop a structure, set up internal linking, buy a normal hosting (you can also have an inexpensive hosting - the main thing is that it copes with the load).
But external optimization also significantly helps in this. If you follow the recommendations described above, you will be able to create the most natural link profile that will help you take high positions in the issue.