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blog 271 Quick answers from Google are supplemented with highlighted descriptions
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It was recently noted that Google added short description popups to quick answers.

blog 268 Courses on creating websites

Creating websites is a profitable business, which you can learn either on your own or by taking courses.

blog 263 The advertisement you are interested in will be on the start page of Chrome
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Google has started testing a new option in the browser. Based on the search preferences of users on the start page...

blog 261 Google on the right to content
 IT news  

The right to property is a serious aspect of business relations. There is an opinion that the content indexed by the search engine for the first time on one of the sites..

blog 269 Tips from Google: preparing the landing page for sales
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Retailers are ready for Cyber Monday and Black Friday thanks to Google's support.

blog 265 Google and Yandex will be fined
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The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation accused the two largest corporations of violating the law on advertising.

blog 264 Fraudsters began hunting for branded traffic of companies
 IT news  

Autumn is the season of sales. Many well-known brands offer promotions and significant discounts on their products.

blog 259 How is paid hosting better than free?

The first task when starting a web project is the choice of hosting.

blog 267 The new zen for widgets
 IT news  

Zen.Yandex has made several adjustments to its algorithm that make it easier for bloggers who use widgets.

blog 266 Google groups targeting

In order to increase privacy and further personalize advertising, Google is making adjustments to the algorithm.

blog 262 Translate content correctly - Google's advice
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Recently, SEO managers often make mistakes when translating text from the original language to their own.

blog 260 Chrome "accidentally" saves information from Google applications
 IT news  

One interesting feature of the popular Internet browser Google Chrome attracted the attention of Internet users.