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blog 396 Viruses on the website - how to find them and protect yourself from infection

Why were viruses invented, what are they and how to protect your site from malicious software. Tips for fighting viruses on the web.

blog 392 What is domaining and cybersquatting

Domaining and cybersquatting — how to make money on domains online and how to fight cybersquatters for business owners.

blog 389 Overview of control panels on VPS

Overview of the three control panels that are installed on VPS servers: ISPmanager, VestaCP and HestiaCP.

blog 386 Searching for information on the site: overview of modules and ready-made services

We present to you an overview of various ways to install the information search module on the site: paid and free services, ready solutions for CMS.

blog 394 Phishing — how not to fall for the tricks of fraudsters and recognize a fake site

Phishing is a type of fraud on the Internet. How to recognize a fake site and not become a victim of fraudsters?

blog 391 Why is it better to use a special service for mailing

Why you need to use services for email mailings, what are their advantages and which popular services should you pay attention to.

blog 388 What are premium domains?

What are premium domains, how much do they cost and what are they for? How to order a premium domain on Cityhost?

blog 385 How to pay less for hosting?

Cityhost offers many opportunities to save on services. Today we are talking about package offers, discount promotions

blog 393 Millions of sites stopped working because of Lets Encrypt, what to do?
 IT news  

Lets Encrypt root certificate has stopped working. Why did this happen and how to restore access to the sites?

blog 390 Caching services for sites: Memcached, OPCache, Redis

Today we will tell you about three modern caching services and principles of operation Memcached, OPCache and Redis.

blog 387 Server for hosting: technical characteristics of the equipment

How to choose a server for hosting and what criteria to focus on: technical characteristics, operating system, control panel.

blog 384 Snapshots: what are they and why are they needed?

Snapshots - a snapshot of the system. In the article, we will tell you how to work with snapshots, why they are needed and how they differ from backups