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blog 21 What is robots.txt | How to configure robots.txt for WordPress

robots.txt is a file that controls which site pages search engines can crawl, helping prevent duplicate content and protect data.

blog 18 What are keywords and how to choose them

How to choose the right keywords \ phrases for your site. What tools exist for this.

blog 13 What is HTTPS?

What is the https protocol, is it necessary to transfer the site from normal http to https. What is the difference between these protocols.

blog 20 How to find out the owner of the domain

Ways to find out who owns the domain name of the site, information about the owner, as well as the terms of domain registration

blog 12 What is a CMS and what types of CMS for sites are there

What CMS are, how they work and how to choose the right management system for your type of site.

blog 19 What is a 403 site error?

The 403 error prohibits access to website resources. Learn about its causes and how to resolve this issue.

blog 16 What is a 504 error

What does the 504 gateway timeout error code on the site mean and why does it appear. Ways to independently eliminate the error.