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What is site linking


Internal linking is the placing of hyperlinks from one page of the site to another. There are many examples of such links:

  • from the main menu of the news portal to headings;
  • from the text of an article in a blog to another article of the same blog;
  • from the block "Buy with this product" on the product page to other products in the online store.

Correct linking is an important component of site optimization. After performing it according to the following recommendations, you will notice an increase in the rate of growth of positions in Google and Yandex.

How competent relinking affects the position of the site

There will be little benefit from mindlessly placing links from one web page to another. But if you perform the internal linking of the site correctly, get ready to collect the following fruits of your efforts:

  1. Convenience and ease of use of the online resource. Thoughtful placement of hyperlinks and, as a result, a properly created site structure will help visitors quickly find what they need.
  2. Improvement of behavioral factors. Search engines monitor the total time that the user spends in the online store, blog or portal, as well as the number of pages visited by him. High indicators of these values increase the rating of an online resource in the eyes of Google and Yandex. And this is a huge plus to the probability of accelerating the growth of positions.
  3. Distribution of "weight" of the site. Correct linking will tell the web crawler which pages of the resource are more important compared to others.
  4. Increase in profit. Let's say you sell smartphones. If on the page of each of the models you indicate the link to the cards of covers, headsets, protective glasses, the probability that these accessories will be bought will increase. And the average check will also increase.

Now you know what relinking is and how it affects promotion. And it's time to learn how to properly hyperlink from one web page to another.

How to create the correct internal link

  • Avoid circular links. None of the web pages should refer to itself. For example, if in the main menu of the online store there is an item that leads to "Delivery and payment", on this page the link from this item should be inactive (non-clickable).
  • Do not put more than one hyperlink per page. This rule applies to blocks of an online resource containing textual content. For example, descriptions of goods and categories, news, articles, "About the company" text, etc. In such blocks, it is forbidden to specify more than one hyperlink to the same web page.
  • Use keywords in anchors (link texts). For example, if you are doing backlink optimization for an e-commerce site that sells smartwatches and you want to link from a blog article to the Kids Smartwatches category, the anchor should either be identical to the name of that category or include a popular relevant query ("smart watches for children", "children's smart watches", "smart children's watches", etc.).
  • Do not put more than 50 hyperlinks on one web page. We note right away that this number does not include links from the main menu, because search engines understand that well-thought-out navigation is the basis of usability. These are hyperlinks inside the footer and sidebar, articles and news, product descriptions and categories.

Peculiarities of relinking the home page

The first thing to remember is that each page of the site must have a hyperlink to the main page. Second, on the main page, place links only to the priority pages of the site. For example, if we are talking about an online store, put a link on the home page to categories or popular trending products that bring business high income.

As you can see, proper site linking is a simple action that benefits SEO. Regardless of whether you promote sites on WordPress or another engine, a well-thought-out system of internal links will help make them convenient and understandable for both web spiders and visitors.

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