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blog 520 IT Specialist Calendar — Holidays and Important Dates in the IT Industry

Want to quickly find an important date from the IT industry? Our team has created an IT specialist calendar with key events in history.

blog 517 Sniffer, Scammer, Fraud, and Other «Tech Slang» – Brief Glossary for Beginner IT Specialists

Unlock IT jargon! Learn IP, uptime, reboot, cool hacker, and more. A quick guide for beginner IT pros. Speak the language of tech seamlessly.

blog 514 Top 10 Ukrainian IT Podcasts for Beginners and Professionals in the Digital Industry

A selection of interesting IT podcasts to help you learn, develop, and master a new profession. Listen and come to interviews more confidently.

blog 511 Multilinks: Understanding Them and How to Create Them Using Services

Curious about consolidating your social and website links? Multilinks create neat landing pages for all your important links!

blog 519 How to Launch an Email Server on VPS

Want to securely manage your company's emails? All you need to do is launch an email server on VPS, following our instructions.

blog 516 Ukrainian Freelance Exchanges — A Review of Services, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Working on a Freelance Exchange

While there aren't many Ukrainian freelance exchanges, they do exist. In this article, we'll explore them and discuss working specifics.

blog 513 Crafting Article Headings for Improved SEO and Readability — Technical and Stylistic Tips

Headings and subheadings play a vital role in structuring articles. Learn how to create headings that boost SEO and captivate your readers.

blog 510 Non-obvious Features in Google Docs: A User's Guide

Google Docs offers a multitude of tools, yet many users are unaware of most of these options. Let's explore some interesting functions.

blog 518 IVR Systems and Their Role in Customer Interaction

Learn about the tasks solved by the IVR Voice Menu and how to configure it without causing irritation to customers in this article.

blog 515 Debunking Myths About Hosting Providers

There are myths surrounding hosting and server operation that confuse users and complicate their lives. Let's debunk them!

blog 512 SEO Optimization of Images: How to Optimize Images on Your Site

This article provides insights into optimizing images for your website, covering basic methods and common pitfalls.

blog 509 The Triumph and Threats Of Artificial Intelligence — How Neural Networks Affect Our Lives and How It Is Regulated By Law

This article about accomplishments and blunders of artificial intelligence, along with the legal frameworks governing AI in various nations.