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blog 263 The advertisement you are interested in will be on the start page of Chrome
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Google has started testing a new option in the browser. Based on the search preferences of users on the start page...

blog 261 Google on the right to content
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The right to property is a serious aspect of business relations. There is an opinion that the content indexed by the search engine for the first time on one of the sites..

blog 257 Google's search engine is in danger
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The US Department of Justice suspected Google of monopolizing its position on the market in search and advertising.

blog 249 Free analytics from Cloudflare
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American company specializing in cyber attack prevention and CDN service....

blog 264 Fraudsters began hunting for branded traffic of companies
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Autumn is the season of sales. Many well-known brands offer promotions and significant discounts on their products.

blog 260 Chrome "accidentally" saves information from Google applications
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One interesting feature of the popular Internet browser Google Chrome attracted the attention of Internet users.

blog 255 The new popular trend "packaging + showcase" can already be ordered
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The Marketplace has recently provided the opportunity to place orders for "warehouse" Market.

blog 246 Wikipedia: a new design after ten years
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The most convenient electronic encyclopedia celebrates its twentieth anniversary next year.

blog 262 Translate content correctly - Google's advice
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Recently, SEO managers often make mistakes when translating text from the original language to their own.

blog 256 Changing the indexing algorithm of pages in the Google search engine
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From October 2020, we will Google in a different way: the search system has been changed, now excerpts are indexed.

blog 248 From November 2020, scanning will be via HTTP2
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November will bring changes in the lives of site owners: scanning will become much better.

blog 247 Get more traffic with free tools from Ahrefs
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To get good traffic and a high ranking, you need to be a pro.