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Get more traffic with free tools from Ahrefs


To get good traffic and a high ranking, you need to be a pro. It is quite simple to contact the Ahrefs service. This is a service for analyzing the link mass of a web platform, which allows you to analyze competitors, build strategies, and receive backlinks.

The service is designed as a commercial project, but many functions are available to everyone. The site offers educational materials and constant high-quality technical support for beginners.

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Since recently, tools for analyzing the site's work have also been freely available: audit, links, keys. Only site owners can gain access.

How to use "buns" from Ahrefs:

  • Register in Webmaster Tools.
  • Add your project by importing through the search console or manually.
  • After entering the site address, confirm that it belongs to you.

What is not possible:

  • Use only active sites, non-functioning platforms will not be activated
  • It is not possible to display a report with more than a thousand rows.
  • Not all search engines, such as Rank Tracker, are available.

Platform developers recommend providing access to Google Search Console and Analytics for Ahrefs. This will allow you to additionally receive a summary of all changes on one information panel.

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