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Google on the right to content


The right to property is a serious aspect of business relations. There is an opinion that content indexed by a search engine for the first time on one of the sites automatically makes the owner of the platform the owner of the material. Reposting of the material will be considered copying. Is it true?

The situation was clarified by the constant expert John Mueller. Canonical tags are used in the search process, but clever people can steal your content and place it on another platform before the indexing process. But you should not be afraid of this.

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It was noted that parsers can use the text in two cases: the web platform is penalized or has technical problems. There is no need to resort to additional means of protection. Preventive measures for partial publication of the material are unnecessary.

Google takes into account all of the above and checks the ownership of the site by other resources. For example, canonical tags that must be supported by your syndication partners. So there are not many reasons for concern: check the site to avoid technical failures and avoid situations that lead to fines and blocking.

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