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Internal optimization

blog 67 How anchors affect the site's search engine optimization

There are many myths about the influence of anchors on site promotion.

blog 64 Principles of weight distribution of site pages

Internal linking of the site is one of the important aspects for the successful promotion of the project.

blog 60 How to move the site to https without losing traffic

How to transfer a site from http to https quickly, simply, without losing traffic.

blog 56 What is site pagination and how to set it up

Competent pagination of the site and what is pagination in general.

blog 66 How to write headlines for page optimization

Internal site optimization includes many points that search engines take into account.

blog 61 We configure the site map of the site images

One of the most important elements of a website is its sitemap. Often two – for pages and for pictures.

blog 57 Features of optimization of a multilingual site

Optimization of a multilingual site. What problems and features are encountered when optimizing a multilingual site.

blog 54 How to make a url correctly

What should be the correct / optimized URL of the site page.

blog 65 Why a large number of pages in the index is not always good

The opinion "the more indexed pages, the better" fundamentally wrong.

blog 62 What is a site mirror and how to set it up correctly

What is mirror site and how its use in optimization sites.

blog 55 Rules for composing title and alt pictures

About the title attribute and alt attributes. CityHost offers to learn how to optimize the image of the site.

blog 53 The influence of the level of attachment on promotion

What should be the nesting level of the page and what it is.

Internal site optimization is one of the key stages of project advancement. Directed to work with the project itself: starting from the structure and ending with the content.

Internal optimization is primarily performed for users who will visit the site. The profit of the company directly depends on how well they understand the structure of the web resource, how easily they will be able to find the necessary sections and place an order. After all, if search engines see that people like the online store, and they spend a lot of time on it, then they increase their position in the search results.

If users log in and quickly log out, it means that the site's usability leaves much to be desired. Such a project requires refinement, and therefore does not deserve a place in the TOP-10.

The main stages of internal site optimization

Internal optimization includes work on:

  1. Content . Content is not only texts. This is everything that is placed on the site: product description, list of characteristics, images, videos. That which provides users with information about products or services. Content should be expert and useful for users, and unique and optimized for search engines.
  2. Site structure . Search engines carefully analyze the structure of a web resource. They look at how competently it is built, whether the hierarchy is respected, whether key queries are correctly distributed on the pages, whether it is convenient for users to navigate the site.
  3. Title . This is an important element of page code optimization. Based on it, search engines understand under which keywords a specific section is promoted. And users see the Title in the search results. If this headline interests them, they will come to you, not to your competitors.
  4. Heading H1 . If the Title is displayed in the search results, then the H1 heading is on the page itself. They are roughly equal in importance. For search engines, this is an additional factor that shows on which queries the page is promoted. And it helps users determine the topic of the site and understand which section they are currently in.
  5. Subheadings H2 . They dilute voluminous content, allow you to run your eyes over the text and quickly find a paragraph that contains the information a person needs. Google and Yandex also take into account H2 subheadings, their number, usefulness, location. Plus, they can be optimized for secondary queries, thereby getting a good increase in traffic for additional keywords.
  6. Relinking . Internal linking of the site is a powerful tool for optimization. Moreover, it is free. By placing links on different pages within the site, you can correctly distribute weight, "transfer" users to sections useful for them, and even improve positions in search results.

Internal optimization is the foundation of your website

Now you know what internal optimization is and what it gives. Even the 6 points listed above are enough to get into the TOP search engines. But they are actually much more. You will have to work with it constantly, since the internal optimization of the site never ends. You can always improve something. What exactly - read in the blog of the CityHost company.