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TOP-11 advantages of domain registrar and hosting provider Cityhost



  1. A functional and convenient panel of our own development

  2. Chips of our hosting

  3. Unique features for virtual servers

  4. Our servers are located not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe

  5. Friendly and professional technical support

  6. A chatbot works for you

  7. Numerous promotions and bonuses

  8. Maximum security

  9. WEB SSH and WEB VNC

  10. Social responsibility

  11. We support Ukraine in the fight against the invader

Cityhost has been operating in the market of hosting and domain name registration for over 16 years. We have our own history and our own way, and we have developed many of our own "chips". Today we will open the curtain on our work and tell you about all the opportunities created by the company.

A functional and convenient panel of our own development

Cityhost programmers have developed their own control panel, thanks to which we are completely autonomous and can independently add all the necessary functions. And most importantly, it is a 100% Ukrainian product.

One of the most important advantages of our panel is that all user actions are simplified and automated as much as possible. Many functions can be configured in 1-2 clicks, there is no need to contact technical support often - they went in, pressed the button, it works.

There is automatic authorization in the file manager, hints when working with the system, changing the PHP version in one click and much more.

Chips of our hosting

We have collected a maximum of useful features on hosting , and now we will tell you about them.

Most settings are done in one click

All actions necessary for site administration can be performed in 1-2 steps. The system is as automated and simplified as possible, and the most frequent operations are arranged in buttons and tabs. Do you want to create a subdomain or mail, view statistics, make a backup or check for viruses, start a caching service or access the site's files via FTP — all this is displayed in a convenient panel. Just open your account and you will immediately know what to do.

One-click CMS installation

Using our panel, you can install one of the popular CMS in 5 minutes:

  • WordPress

  • Drupal

  • PrestaShop

  • OpenCart

  • MODx Revolution

  • Joomla

You just need to click on the "Install" button, select the CMS and enter the data required by the system. You can fill your site with content in just a few minutes.

Site builder

A pleasant bonus is added to all hosting tariffs — a free website designer . It has everything you need to create a site using layout and block editing.

The designer has 200 adaptive templates of various topics, SEO tools, quick integration of social media buttons.

Installing the constructor is easier than ever. Install it through the panel with one button, choose a template by theme, click "Select" and it's installed. It remains to fill the blocks with text and images so that the site acquires unique content.

Instant change of PHP version from 5.2 to modern 8.1

The PHP version is important for installing certain software — for example, the latest WordPress configurations only work on modern versions. The process of choosing a PHP version takes only a few seconds.

Free backups

For hosting users, there is an automatic backup function. It is usually done every day at midnight. 7 copies are available to customers — for the last three days and for the last 4 weeks. Backups are stored on servers located not only in Ukraine, but also in Germany, thanks to which clients can rest assured about data security in wartime conditions.

If you are going to make any changes to the site, you can make a manual backup at any convenient time.

PageSpeed module

The Page Speed module is built-in to optimize sites on the hosting. It automatically removes extra whitespace in code, merges small CSS and JS elements into one, embeds short CSS and JS files into HTML, optimizes images, extends cache life, and more.

All these actions are designed to make the response of the code as fast as possible, which significantly affects the promotion of the site in search networks. The module is configured manually in the hosting control panel.

Server caching tools Memcached, OPCache, Redis

In the hosting panel, Memcached, OPCache and Redis caching services can be installed in one click. These tools help speed up site response by caching repetitive PHP processes in RAM, which is much faster than hard drives.

These three tools are somewhat similar, but Redis is a newer development and has a wider range of features. Redis and Memcached can be combined with OPCache, but you should not include all three services at the same time to avoid conflicts. To understand which tool to choose, familiarize yourself with the specifics of their work and test different connection options.

SSL certificates of various types

Cityhost has both paid and free SSL certificates . For an ordinary site without financial procedures, a free security certificate that connects in two clicks is quite suitable. One more click and you've already enabled HTTPS redirection.

If we talk about paid SSLs, then they are useful for business sites that carry out monetary transactions, sell goods and services, represent companies with high financial responsibility. We offer three types of such security certificates:

  • With domain verification

  • With company verification

  • With advanced verification

Extended SSL certificates increase the status of the business and inform customers that the site owner has confirmed the right to own the domain, the company officially exists on the market and all its documents have been checked by the registrar.

Unique features for virtual servers

We provide not only virtual servers , but also many additional functions that make work even simpler, more efficient and more reliable.

Free 50 Gb for backups in Ukraine and Germany

We pay a lot of attention to backup, because thanks to it, you can protect from the loss of very important data. Even before the start of a full-scale invasion, we decided to give our customers the opportunity to play it safe and allocated an additional 50 gigabytes for backups. You can choose the location of the server where the backup will be stored - in Ukraine or in Germany. The function is not automatic, it must be activated manually. How to do it - read in the instructions .


One of the types of backup is snapshots. They do not store the entire data set, but only the state of the system — for example, software changes and updates, moving files from one directory to another, etc. This helps correct errors that may have occurred during administration without having to unload the entire backup. Snapshots weigh much less, are made very quickly and do not create an additional load on the server. To run a snapshot, use this guide .

If you want to learn more about what snapshots are and how they work, read the article .

Full root access

When ordering a server, you get full root access, which allows you to configure the server as you need, including installing any software. This gives freedom in management and the ability to use all programs and settings for them that exist.

Our servers are located not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe

Our hosting servers are located not only in Ukraine, but also in Germany and Finland. There are three locations for virtual servers — Ukraine, Germany and the Netherlands. Dedicated servers are located in data centers in Ukraine and Germany.

When registering the service, you can choose the country in which you will be served. In the current situation, this is important, because some customers feel calmer knowing that their data is outside the borders of a country in which there is a war. However, Ukrainian servers are also popular, because domestic data centers are reliable and have a high level of service quality, even despite the war situation.

Friendly and professional technical support

Technical support is the face of the company and the driver of customer interaction, and we know it very well. Our specialists are professional, friendly and motivated. The main principle of their work is to solve the client's problem completely, to reach a successful solution to each issue.

We carefully select candidates for the technical support team. Recruitment takes place in two stages:

  1. Selection of potential candidates according to their competencies in relation to our vacancies, written testing to assess the level of knowledge.

  2. After successfully passing the test, which should be 75-80% of correct answers, there is communication with the head of the technical support department. It is assessed how communicative the candidate is, a number of technical questions are asked to see the logic of the candidate - how he will solve this or that problem. If the candidate is suitable, we agree on training.

We emphasize independent learning. From it, you can immediately see who knows how to search for information and make decisions independently (everything happens that way in real work), and who needs constant support and tips.

The course takes place on the Google Classroom platform and is designed for seven days. The intern gradually gets to know our company, the rules, and the site.

For those who are already working, we have created a closed information portal, which contains instructions and information about all services.

Our employees know well all the specifics of the company, their experience helps to understand every detail of the issue and effectively help users.

You can contact technical support at the address or directly from the control panel (the support icon is located at the top, in the form of headphones). In addition…

A chatbot works for you

You can get many answers to your questions by connecting the chatbot at this link . It will become your automatic assistant, which will remind you about the payment deadline, help you check your balance or free domain for registration, and send an urgent notification. And if necessary, he will contact a "live operator".

You can leave a tip in the chatbot - if you liked the communication with the technical support, please the specialists with a small financial reward. Read more about the chatbot here .

Numerous promotions and bonuses

Using promotions and bonuses, clients can significantly save on services. It is especially nice that some of these promotions work at the same time, and the savings will be even greater.

Over time, the promotions may change, below we will tell you about the current offers. In order not to miss new promotions, subscribe to our Telegram channel .

More hosting for less

There are different payment options for hosting — per month, per year, per two, etc. But the longer the period you pay, the more you save. For example, on the Apartment tariff, a month of hosting costs 115.29 hryvnias. If you pay immediately in two years, the monthly cost will be 66.87 - almost half as much.

Free domain when buying hosting for more than a year

If you came to us for hosting, you have every right to get a domain for free use for a whole year. To do this, you need to choose a free domain for the amount specified in the tariff (up to 250, up to 350 or up to 450 hryvnias), order a hosting service for 12 or 24 months and enter the name of the desired domain in the appropriate field. The most convenient thing is that it is easy to link the domain to the hosting right away, you don't need to make many additional settings. After one year, the cost of the domain will become normal and it will need to be renewed for a fee.

Read more about free domains and the registration procedure at Cityhost in the article " How to get a domain for free ".

Free hosting with the purchase of any domain

It also works the other way around — when you buy a domain , you get a month of free hosting. If you buy a longer term plan, one month will still be free. Just start the domain registration procedure, and the system will automatically offer you a bonus.

Partner program

With the help of the affiliate program , pay for your services without spending a single penny! Recommend cooperation in Cityhost to your friends and acquaintances and offer to register using the affiliate link - you can find it in your user account in the " Referral program " section.

After that, 10% of each referral payment will be "dripped" into your account. In this way, you can cover a significant part of the costs or completely close the financial issue with the help of a "partner".

Bonuses for reviews

Share your opinion about cooperation with us, write an objective review about Cityhost and receive bonuses:

  • 100 hryvnias to your balance for a review about us on Google. Go to the Google reviews section and write what you think about the company.

  • 50 hryvnias per balance for a Facebook review. Go to our page in the reviews section and write your impressions about our work. After that, write a letter to the technical support mail (, indicating your nickname in the social network, attach the text of the review or its screenshot, as well as the ID number or the email address to which your Cityhost account is registered.

  • We will extend your hosting for 10 days for feedback on . After that, you need to do everything as in the previous version - send a letter to technical support with information about the feedback.

Bonuses for reviews are cumulative.

Cumulative discount of up to 15% on hosting and domains

When you buy hosting and register domains, you automatically accumulate discounts (you don't need to do anything for this). The longer you cooperate with Cityhost, the higher the percentage of your bonus. For example, after paying for services in the amount of UAH 800 or more, the client already has a 2% discount, after UAH 3,000 — 5%. The maximum discount is 15%, which the user receives after total payments of more than UAH 12,000.

You can use this bonus when renewing or ordering services.

Maximum security

We care about the security of user data and provide all possible tools that will help protect accounts from hacking, viruses and DDoS attacks .

Antivirus based on AiBolit

In the hosting control panel, you will find the AiBolit antivirus, which helps detect malicious code on site pages. After starting the antivirus program, the system sends a report on the presence or absence of viruses to the client's mail. If a site is infected, the system automatically reduces outgoing traffic to reduce the risk of infecting other resources.

You can only clean the site manually, because the specifics of viruses do not allow for the development of sufficiently effective tools for automatic removal of malicious code. It is recommended to hire a specialist for this procedure. After cleaning, you need to run the scan again.


To protect the admin panel of the hosted site, we suggest activating the captcha. It protects against robots that choose passwords and will not allow attackers to gain access to the management of the materials of the web resource.

Protected directories

For any folder of the site, you can make closed access by login and password. It can be the root folder of the site or some of its sections. Perhaps it is necessary that individual employees have access only to certain sections of the site - then you can make protected directories, and give access to them to those who work in a specific direction.

Access restriction by IP address

It is about user access to the site. If some IP addresses show suspicious activity, you can block those addresses from making requests to the site. First of all, it is useful for protection against simple DDoS attacks — if the user's computer "caught a virus" and started sending an inadequate number of requests, this IP address can simply be blocked.

Blocking suspicious links

Thanks to this function, some requests are blocked that could theoretically be dangerous, such as killall, which terminates all processes in the system. In addition, scripts that load the site — for example, wp-cron.php — are blocked.

Blocking User-Agents

User-Agents is a string that identifies each client application. Thanks to it, for example, the system recognizes malicious bots that scan and crawl sites without the owners' knowledge and create a load on their site. User-Agents of the most common scanner bots are already included in the banned list.

FTP and SSH access only for authorized IP addresses

FTP and SSH are required to remotely manage your data on the server. We have closed access for third-party IPs set by default. This means that even with a login and password, a person will not be able to connect until their IP address is whitelisted. This makes third-party access to the account via FTP and SSH practically impossible.


Servers are administered remotely using a console. Traditionally, the SSH protocol is used for this. An alternative to it is VNC, which works as an auxiliary tool. But connecting to VNC or SSH yourself is a difficult task for non-professional administrators. That's why we created WEB VNC for virtual servers and WEB SSH for hosting - these are simple ways to connect with just one button. After that, it is enough to enter the login and password from the server, and you can work. How to do it — read the instructions for WEB VNC and WEB SSH .

And for a better understanding of the operation of the SSH protocol, we wrote an article on the blog " What is SSH and the main ways of working with it: Web SSH, Midnight Commander, PuTTy, terminal ".

Social responsibility

We believe that business should not only bring money, but also carry some social component. Therefore, within the scope of our work, we try to improve the Internet space and help those who need it.

One of such initiatives is the adaptation of sites for people with visual impairments. Many Internet users have certain peculiarities of visual perception, ranging from such a common problem as myopia, to the complete absence of vision. Yes, blind people also actively use the Internet, helping themselves with special programs - scanners that voice the text from the site for them. But the needs of this considerable audience are practically not taken into account when creating sites.

To solve the problem, we created a campaign to spread information about how to adapt sites for visually impaired users.

You can read more about this in the article: " How to adapt a site for people with visual impairments ".

Unfortunately, the full-scale invasion delayed the process of adapting our site for people with visual impairments. But we will definitely return to this issue and make our web resource as inclusive as possible.

We support Ukraine in the fight against the invader

We firmly believe that the battle on the economic front is as important as the real one. Having deprived the Russians of the opportunity to earn money with the help of Ukrainian resources, we simultaneously weaken their military machine.

Therefore, we cut off all contacts with Russian clients, blocked all their accounts without the possibility of regaining access. Hundreds of sites "went down" in one day.

Also, it is impossible to get to our site from Russian IP addresses - this is done so that new customers from the aggressor country cannot order services (because we have fully automated ordering procedures).

In addition, we called on other providers to do the same, and many colleagues supported our initiative.

At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Cityhost immediately spoke about refusing to cooperate with the Russians at the level of IT technologies - boycotting services for marketing, copywriting, analytics, freelancing and other areas. We urge all colleagues to check the origin of services and, if possible, refuse them. We ourselves were the first to stop providing installation and administration services for the Russian control panel for ISPmanager virtual servers. We reviewed the tools for marketing, copywriting and SEO that were used, and refused all Russian services.

We write articles about supporting Ukrainian business , changing the vector to the west , we talk about services and opportunities in Europe and the USA, which can be useful and replace Russian tools for business.

Among the articles on the blog that were published, realizing their civic position, we can mention the following:

We also launched a campaign to de-Russify domains. What are Russified domains? These are local addresses in the UA national zone, the spelling of which is transliterated from Russian city names —,, etc. We tell users about the existence of similar Ukrainian-language domains and urge them to switch to the correct transliteration of city names in the state language. Read more here .

Our user panel has a built-in "Help the Army" button that redirects to the official details of the Armed Forces - you can easily and safely send funds that will also work for our Victory.

We offer free website hosting for volunteer organizations and government institutions. We strive to support our country and everyone who volunteers, so we are ready to provide them with free hosting and domains. If you are a representative of such an organization, read the instructions for free receipt and continuation of services.


Cityhost has many of its own developments and initiatives. We talked about the biggest and most noticeable features of our service. Everything we do is designed to create a comfortable space for the client's work, reliable data placement and simple and clear work with all tools.

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Author: Bohdana Haivoronska

Journalist (since 2003), IT copywriter (since 2013), content marketer at Specializes in articles about technology, creation and promotion of sites.