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blog 599 What Are AMP Pages and How to Add Them to a Website

AMP pages can boost site speed and increase traffic, but they may also negatively impact a web resource. Why? Find out in the new article.

blog 582 How to Find Your IP Address

Learn how to locate your IP address on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Step-by-step instructions with screenshots and explanations.

blog 565 What is WHOIS, What It Is Used For and How to Check a Domain

WHOIS is a service that allows you to learn a lot of useful information about a domain. Read the article on how to use WHOIS.

blog 560 What is a Domain and How is it Different from Hosting

Did you meet the concepts of domain and hosting for the first time? In the article, we will clearly explain the meaning of these concepts.

blog 591 What is RSS: A Dangerous Outdated Technology or an Effective Way to Drive Traffic

RSS can enhance subscriber loyalty or result in traffic loss. The outcome depends on how the technology is used!

blog 578 Cityhost Glossary: Frequently Used Terms on the Website and in the Control Panel

Want to navigate the control panel with more confidence? Explore the Cityhost glossary for clear explanations of essential terms.

blog 564 What is a Search Engine Robot and How to Manage It

In this article, you will learn what a search engine robot is and how to manage it to attract visitors from search engines.

blog 546 What is DNS and How the Domain Name System Works

What is DNS and DNS server, where and how to configure NS servers, what are DNS records, how to edit them — we answer frequently asked questions.

blog 587 How to Prepare a Website for Integrating a Payment System

How to prepare your website for online payments: security, catalog, privacy, and everything needed to gain customer trust.

blog 571 What Is the TLS Protocol, How It Works, and What It Protects Against

TLS is your invisible guardian on the Internet. It protects your data, which is essential for safe browsing and reliable hosting services.

blog 562 What is a database and what is it used for

You will learn about databases, which will allow you to perform fine-tuning, transfer a site, or resume its operation when needed.

blog 519 How to Launch an Email Server on VPS

Want to securely manage your company's emails? All you need to do is launch an email server on VPS, following our instructions.