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blog 452 We place the site on the Internet - what services to buy and how much they cost

Are you planning to place your first website on the Internet? Keep a full account of the cost of services that are required for this - hosting, domain, SSL.

blog 443 How to get a domain for free

How to get a domain for free? We will tell you about some interesting ways to register domains and about the pitfalls that can lie in wait for the user.

blog 425 Save Ukrainian business: programs to support entrepreneurs in wartime

In times of war, work is difficult and sometimes impossible. The state is doing everything to support Ukrainian business and survive on the economic front.

blog 407 TOP-5 Ukrainian domains for the site

Domains in the .UA national zone: for those who plan to do business in Ukraine or create an informational web resource for Ukrainian readers.

blog 448 TOP-11 advantages of domain registrar and hosting provider Cityhost

In this article, we have collected all our advantages for you — from the technical intricacies of working with the platform to customer support and the social component.

blog 441 Checklist: how to open an online store for 1000 products

If you want to open your first online store, but you don't have the knowledge and capital, read how to do it with the Weblium site builder.

blog 424 We are abandoning the Russian direction: how to reorient business to the West

After the beginning of the invasion, the exit of Ukrainian businesses from the Russian market began. What are the necessary steps to reorient to the west?

blog 388 What are premium domains?

What are premium domains, how much do they cost and what are they for? How to order a premium domain on Cityhost?

blog 447 How to properly register a trademark to get a UA domain

Read in the article how to get a UA domain, how to correctly register a trademark and whether it is possible to reserve a UA domain if the TM is in the process of registration.

blog 429 Upwork Clients - The Road from 0 to 50K

Do you dream of starting to work on Upwork and quickly reach a decent salary level? We have prepared for you an article based on the Collaborator webinar.

blog 423 SPAM: why emails end up there and how to avoid it

How to write and send letters correctly so that they end up in the "Inbox" and not be marked as SPAM? We analyze the intricacies of the work of spam filters.

blog 385 How to pay less for hosting?

Cityhost offers many opportunities to save on services. Today we are talking about package offers, discount promotions