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How to install WordPress on hosting


According to the statistics of the Australian company BuiltWith Pty Ltd, 49% of all sites run on WordPress. This engine is completely free and the only thing you need to do to use it is to buy cheap hosting and a domain . Another advantage of CMS is that regardless of the chosen methods of installing WordPress, you will spend up to 5-10 minutes on them, and one or two hours on learning the basic functions.

How to install WordPress using autoinstaller

If your site is hosted on CityHost, WP installation will take 2-3 minutes. Regardless of the selected virtual hosting tariff, in the control panel you will find a module for automatic installation of popular engines, including WordPress. How to install CMS using the auto-installer is described below:
  1. In the main menu of the CityHost control panel, select the "Hosting 2.0" item and click the "Manage" button in the line that indicates the domain of the site on which you want to install WordPress.

  2. Go to the MYSQL tab and click the Create Database button. Next, come up with a database user name and password, as well as the name of the database itself, enter them in the appropriate fields, select utf8 encoding, and click the "Create" button.

  3. Go to the "SITES" tab, click the "Manage" button, and then click the "Install" button under the "CMS Auto-Install" line.

  4. The method of installing WordPress using the auto-installer does not require the ability to work with the FTP data transfer protocol or the understanding of technically complex operations. Just select the name of the CMS in the drop-down list, enter the login and password that you will use to log in to the site administration, email, as well as the data of the previously created database and click the "Install" button. Agree to install the WordPress software by clicking the "Confirm" button.

  5. As soon as the engine is installed on the site (5-10 seconds), you will receive an email with authorization data and a link to the WordPress admin.

Knowing how to install WordPress on your hosting using the CMS auto-installer will save you time and minimize the risk of errors.

It is important to know: you can install WordPress using the auto-installer without creating a database - it will be created automatically for the first site on the hosting. But all subsequent sites will work on this first database. If you plan to host more than one site, create a separate database for each one manually, otherwise all your sites will use one common database, which can lead to complications in the future. Create separate databases for different sites and name them with understandable names (for example, the name of the site) - this will simplify administration and help avoid many errors.

How to install WordPress via FTP

Note. The following instructions are written using the FileZilla FTP client as an example and assume that you have already added your site to it, which will run on WordPress. You can download and install this program at It is also necessary to understand what is site and database hosting.

  1. Download the latest version of the engine from the link

  2. Extract the downloaded zip archive to your PC hard drive.

  3. Connect using FileZilla to the site. In the lower right window, go to the root directory of the site, and in the lower left - to the directory with the files and folders of the unpacked archive of the engine. Select all files and directories (Ctrl + A), right-click on them and select "Unload". If the message "The final file already exists" appears, select the "Overwrite" radio button, select the "Always use this action" checkbox, and click "OK".

  4. While the files are being copied, create the database. How to do this is described above.

  5. After the engine files and directories are copied to the server, proceed to install WordPress. To do this, open the domain of the site in the browser, select the language and click "Continue".

  6. Click the "Next!" button, enter the data of the previously created database, specify the IP of the server, and click "Send". For security, we recommend changing the standard prefix of wp_ database tables to a random set of Latin letters. On the page that confirms the connection to the database, click the "Start installation" button.

  7. Enter the name of the site, name, password for entering the WordPress admin, email and click the "Install WordPress" button.

After 5-10 seconds, a message will appear that the engine is installed, and an email with a link to the CMS admin panel login page will be sent to the specified email address.

At this point, the question of how to install WordPress is closed and you can start filling out a new site, changing its design and adding new functions by installing plugins.

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