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Analysis of reference mass


The link mass of the site has practically no effect on the position of the site... Its expansion has lost its importance and relevance.... Such statements are increasingly common on SEO forums, blogs and other platforms.

But practice shows that links are still taken into account when ranking. And external links to the site are not only one of the key factors taken into account by search engines. Thanks to them, people learn about the new brand, about the company and its products or services. And this has a good effect on site traffic.

Therefore, do not give up on the reference mass, work on it further. But be sure to check its effectiveness. As? About it below.

How to properly increase the reference mass?

There is no exact list of items in any textbook that would help you get guaranteed high positions in the issue. But there are general recommendations for work on external optimization . If you follow them, you can get a fairly high-quality link profile:

  • try to use different types of links (text and image, open and closed from indexing);
  • post links on various platforms: on forums and information resources, in blogs and social networks, catalogs and directories (the more variety, the better);
  • combine anchored and unanchored links;
  • build links smoothly and gradually.

How to analyze the number of links to a site?

There is no service that could check the link mass of the site and evaluate its effectiveness. For this case, each SEO has its own checklist. Based on it, he performs the analysis of external links of client sites.

Important : If you have a large project, we recommend ordering a reliable VPS server and ensuring stable operation of the site.

But there are specialized services and programs that help partially automate this routine. The most popular are:

  1. Ahrefs. It can be said that it is the best site analyzer. Paid, but provides maximum information on the link profile of web resources. And in the form of simple graphs, charts, tables.
  2. Serpstat. The platform is also in demand among SEOs. It has wide functionality and provides many tools for analyzing backlinks. The service uses data from Majestic Site Explorer as a source.
  3. NetPeak Checker. This is the only program on this list, not an online service. Performs mass SEO analysis of the site. It is also able to compare the data of different sites according to the specified parameters.
  4. MegaIndex. It stands out against the background of other analogs because it can distinguish between natural and commercial links. This significantly simplifies the work of the SEO optimizer, allowing more accurate analysis of the competitor's links.
  5. LinkPad. Shows the dynamics of building backlinks over several years. But this service rarely updates the database, so new information appears there with a strong delay.

Each site analyzer from the given list is able to check the number of links of any sites: both its own (client's) and competitors'. And if you also compare key indicators and draw competent conclusions, then it will be easy to understand what and how to do in order to get a good result when working on external optimization.

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What parameters to look at when analyzing reference mass?

SEO evaluation of the site is performed in several stages. During the analysis, the optimizer goes through the main points and collects the necessary information. Let's consider the main criteria that should be paid close attention to.

Anchor sheet

The most high-quality backlinks are considered natural. The fewer hints that this is a commercial link, the better it is treated by search engines. A high-quality anchor list consists mainly of unanchored links. Anchors should be about 10-30%.

Search engines have a negative attitude to anchor lists, where there are mostly anchor links. Especially with similar requests. They consider such sites as spam and quickly "reward" them with sanctions.

Number of sites

The quality of the link profile directly depends on the donors. Therefore, their choice should be approached competently. Before posting a link, check the donor for:

  • number of visitors (the more, the better);
  • Yandex ICS and other resource evaluation systems;
  • presence of filters;
  • the ratio of incoming and outgoing links (there should be more of the former).

Types of links

Dofollow links are considered the most important. But if you abuse them, it will alert search robots. Therefore, the link profile must also contain nofollow links (closed from indexing).

Growth dynamics of domains referring to the site

This is an extremely important parameter. The dynamics of growth should be smooth and gradual. If it is jumpy, mistakes were clearly made when working on external optimization. Sharp jumps are considered by search engines as an attempt to cheat, and drops clearly hint at the purchase of rental backlinks.

Also look at the URLs of the donor sites. If a specific domain name of the site occurs too often in the link profile, it means that a large number of links are placed on it. Or one, but through. You can't do that. Ideally, there should be one link per site. And necessarily inside the text, not in the footer or sidebar.


Analysis of reference mass is a mandatory stage of site optimization. No matter how competently the work is performed, certain shortcomings always appear. And the sooner errors are detected and corrected, the less risk there is of falling under search engine filters. And the higher the chances of taking the leading positions in distribution.

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