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How is paid hosting better than free?


The first task when starting a web project is the choice of hosting. This service, which involves placing an Internet resource on a server, can be provided on a paid basis or free of charge. To choose the most suitable option, you should first of all study the features of each of them.

Features of free hosting

Free hosting services are most often used by beginners or those who want to test the operation of hosting. The only plus of such hostings is the free execution of these works. The remaining features of free hosting do not affect the functioning of the web projects hosted on it in the best way. Such features include the following:

  • Bad indexing of the site, and on certain services - its absence. Domain names of the third level, and only they are free, significantly worsen indexing.
  • When placing a site on free hosting, you should always take into account the fact that at any moment it may be unavailable or deleted.
  • A site hosted on free hosting is very difficult to promote.
  • Sites on free hosting have low authority.
  • The hosting owner has the right to place advertisements on the site without the owner's consent. This is how he compensates for the relative freeness of his services.
  • Lack of technical support.

Because of so many unpleasant features, free hosting is used most often for hosting business card sites or family web resources. Such hosting is not suitable for more or less serious projects.

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Features and benefits of paid hosting

Paid hosting provides customers with virtually unlimited options. Owners of serious web projects and even owners of small commercial sites who want to make a profit prefer paid hosting. Their main features include:

  • Availability of a convenient control panel. With its help, you can administer the resource, even without having deep knowledge in this area.
  • Paid hosting provides customers with all the necessary software. The user himself chooses a service package that includes everything he will need.
  • Guarantee of high quality of services. The hosting provider concludes a contract with the client, which provides for his responsibility for the quality of services and data protection.
  • Any paid hosting implies the availability of technical support. Professional employees will help in solving all problems that may arise in the operation of the site.
  • Provision of second-level domain names that are well indexed, have high authority and are easily remembered by visitors.
  • Freedom to post information that does not go beyond the scope of the law.

The success of the development of an Internet project directly depends on the quality of hosting. Only paid hosting can ensure the fulfillment of all conditions for successful promotion of the site.

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