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myTarget has launched a link storefront


There have been some nice changes on the platform for placing targeted advertising: a separate storefront has been opened for direct deals. Thanks to the upgrade, advertisers will be able to choose platforms and negotiate with sites directly. Now it is more convenient to specify and control the location of the ad on a certain website.

The new option is available in the personal account in the "Tools" section. The advertiser downloads a list of sites for placing his material. "Showcase" provides an opportunity to generate a report based on several features: frequency of impressions, number of visitors, availability of a mobile version.

Read also : Web analytics: purpose and features .

More complete information about the popularity of the content and the target audience of the site can be found in the publisher's card. The innovation significantly simplifies the work of advertisers, creating opportunities for direct cooperation with publishers. Now myTarget customers can manage the material placement and approval process themselves.

Previously, the platform for advertisers offered users a number of analytical data on monetization for mobile gadgets. The report allows you to see how much money advertising brought in during a certain period, all impressions, the price for a certain number of contacts, how many visitors there were who saw advertising in the application.

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