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Quotation marks in a query are a useful Wordstat operator


Many people use Yandex.Wordstat to collect keywords. After all, this is the most popular service, and it is absolutely free. But do you know how to choose them correctly? Do you write the request in quotation marks? If without - this is a gross error.

Quotation marks in a search query are a useful Wordstat operator. It helps to collect semantics for the site faster, and most importantly, better.

Why do you need quotation marks in a search query?

When showing the client who ordered site promotion the possible number of clients, unscrupulous SEO specialists deliberately do not write keywords in quotation marks. So the numbers are more solid. But in addition to banal deception, they make a serious mistake - they do not take into account important requests.

If you enter a keyword without operators in Wordstat, the service will display the total number of query impressions with the addition of additional words. And the final figure will be several times higher.

And if you write keywords in quotes, real data will be displayed. In this case, the numbers are shown according to the specific request and its word forms (without adding additional words).

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Let's give a simple example:

quotation marks

As you can see, the requests are written differently, but the number of impressions is the same. Wordstat takes into account all possible word combinations with the addition of other words.

If you write these keywords in quotes, it will look like this:

use quotation marks

As you can see, the numbers are an order of magnitude smaller. And the number of impressions of the two queries is very different. Although it was the same in the previous screenshot.

It turns out that for Yandex these are two different requests. And if you include one in the semantics and ignore the second, the site will lose visitors who could become real customers. But if you miss not one request, but a hundred or a thousand? The site will simply lose a huge percentage of the audience.

However, there are situations when both requests are included in the semantics. But if you don't check the number of impressions using the quotation mark operator, you can inadvertently focus on promoting less important keywords. Those where the number of impressions is small. As a result, time and money will be spent practically in vain, because the result will be meager.


If you are the owner of a site and intend to promote it by using the services of an SEO company, be careful. Remember that when compiling the semantics, you need to write keywords in quotation marks to reflect real numbers. Then the expectations of promotion will be appropriate. And do not forget that one page is optimized for one query - otherwise, the effect of keyword cannibalization can occur, which leads to extremely negative consequences.

And if you work as an SEO optimizer, be sure to use the "quotes" operator. So you will not miss important queries and will be able to correctly understand which keywords to optimize pages for.

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