After installing WordPress on hosting for the site , you should understand how to use the administrative panel. Most likely, you will immediately wonder how to install a WordPress theme? There are several ways to do this - let's consider each of them.
Installing a WordPress theme through the search function
One of the differences between WordPress and other CMS is the ability to install a template in the admin panel.
In the "Appearance" section, pay attention to "Themes" and click on the corresponding button to add it. Next, use the search to enter the name of the required theme, after which the customizer window will appear - in it you can familiarize yourself with the product, and if it meets all the requirements, install it, and then the automatic installation will begin.
How to install WordPress themes if you don't know their names? In this case, we use the filter by characteristics built into the database of the WordPress library. After selecting the link with filters, it remains to note the parameters of the template you need. This method displays exclusively the approved options located on the official WP website. Therefore, if you have a paid or free version downloaded from the Internet, it is better to use another method.
Installing a theme by downloading it from the WordPress admin panel
Download from admin. panels is the most common way to manually install a theme on WordPress. In this case, the theme downloaded from the Internet in archive format (.Zip) must be present on your computer. Click "Install themes", download them.
Next, you will see a message that the template has been successfully installed. All that remains is to activate it - now you know how to install a WordPress theme manually.
FTP connection as a simple method of installing a WordPress theme
Another way to add a theme to WordPress involves using an FTP client.
It consists of the following steps:
- Download the archive with the template you need and unpack it.
- We use an FTP client to log into the hosting account. Open the WordPress folder, and then themes.
- Download the unpacked theme in themes.
- Enter the WP "admin" and visit the "Appearance" category.
- We find the topic and activate it.
Instructions for changing the theme through phpMyAdmin
When WordPress or installed plugins are automatically updated, in rare cases problems with the site may appear, and the admin. the panel becomes temporarily unavailable. In this situation, you need to know how to install a standard WordPress theme.
For this :
- Find the wp-config.php file. A file manager, FTP client or cPanel is suitable for its search.
- Open this file and pay attention to define ('DB _ NAME'. The name of the database to be edited is indicated in quotes.
- We find out what topics are present on the resource. To find lists of themes, go to wp - content/themes.
- Enter phpMyAdmin and search for the name of the database from the second point.
- Enter the table with the word_options and focus on the template and stylesheet sections.
- We change the name of the current topic to a standard one. After that, a new template will appear on the site.
So, now you know the basic ways to add a new theme to WordPress and transform your site, making it original and not templated.