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The news about the global local update is a fake - said Google


In the last few weeks, foreign SEO specialists had a question that they began to actively discuss. They are related to fluctuations in the local edition of Google. There are no exact data on this matter, but experts believe that the problem is caused by the update of the algorithm responsible for the formation of blocks of local delivery (Local Pack).

But it should be noted that one of the employees of the Google search engine, Danny Sullivan, denied this information. He said that no global updates were made in local search. It follows from this that it is not known what caused the fluctuations in the local search.

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Google representatives state that periodically they make only small and insignificant updates to the algorithms, all of which cannot cause fluctuations. Global upgrades haven't been done yet, so the problem lies elsewhere.

Danny Sullivan also asked that site owners show fresh examples from their resources. All this will help Google specialists to understand the problem of local delivery as quickly as possible. It should be noted that on May 4, the Google search engine launched some new updates to the main search algorithm. The results have already been published.

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