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How to change a template in Wordpress?


The network presents a huge number of themes for designing a WordPress site, many of them are available for free - they are downloaded by thousands of webmasters. This results in the vast majority of resources having the same design. However, you can always make your site more original. You just need to know how to change a template in WordPress.

The WordPress admin panel is an easy way to edit a template

Admin. WP panel is a fairly quick and easy way to change your WordPress theme.

To do this, go to "Appearance" and click on "Edit themes" , then several file themes available for modification will appear. After selecting the desired file, make adjustments and then click "Update".

The above method is an ideal way to edit a WordPress template with minimal changes. Such editing is performed in a couple of minutes, does not require the presence of special knowledge and skills, the launch of third-party software and the entry of passwords. But there is also a minus - in the standard editor, the code is not highlighted, and the lines are not numbered, so you will have to spend a lot of time to make numerous adjustments.

Using the hosting file manager to change the template

Almost every WordPress hosting has its own file manager, so you will always have the opportunity to go through it, upload a file, make adjustments in one of the editors and upload the updated version to the hosting.

Do not forget that editing, for example, through Word will not work. We recommend using a regular notepad or a special program such as Sublime Text.

To find theme files, visit the site, find the wp-content folder, open themes and select the current theme. Now access to change the file will appear.

How to edit a template via FTP?

This method is suitable for long-term work, in particular, when it is necessary to edit several files located in different folders.

How to change the WordPress site template via FTP?

  1. We start the FTP client. To connect via FTP, we recommend FileZilla or Total Commander. After setting up the connection to the resource, open the folder where the WordPress theme is located (/wp-content/themes/name_of_your_theme/).
  2. Copy the file you need to change, save it on your computer.
  3. Open the file in the editor and change it.

The best free templates

It is not enough to buy hosting and create a site on WP so that it looks attractive and has convenient usability. Special attention should be paid to the template.

We offer you the best options:

  • Avada. This is a minimalist, universal theme. It is very suitable for information sites, shops. There is support for adaptive design.
  • Nitro. A beautiful WooCommerce theme. There are almost all necessary filters for product items.
  • Allegiant. According to the developers, this theme will be an ideal choice for novice entrepreneurs. The main page includes sliders, reviews, a news block and the like.
  • Riba Lite. A good template for blogs. Various shade options are available, smartphone versions are supported.

Knowing how to edit a WordPress template, you will always be able to make changes and transform the site in such a way that it fully meets your and the client's expectations.

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