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2021 — the results of the year


The last days of 2021 are drawing to a close... Cityhost specialists have spent this time with you, helping customers publish sites on the network and implement the most daring projects.

We are already preparing to meet the coming 2022 and are overflowing with dreams for the future. But first you need to look around once again and sum up. We will tell you what plans we have managed to implement, as well as introduce you to some of our specialists.

2021 was an extremely fruitful year for the Cityhost team!

What did we manage in 2021? Let's look at the numbers:

  • New users: 4133 clients

  • New domains: 4771 names

  • New hosting: 2693 accounts

  • New virtual servers: 741 pieces

  • New physical servers: 73 pieces

And this is just a fraction of the positive developments and various novelties that have appeared in our arsenal!


Maksym is the company's founder and technical director

Technical novelties from Cityhost

We have made many technical improvements to make our services even more user-friendly.

Updated and automated work with SSL

We have a wide selection of options that allow you to work with security certificates — buy, order free, install purchased from third-party providers. This year we made a number of updates to the SSL control panel , and now most of these procedures are available automatically. Now you can order or install a certificate yourself in just a few clicks.

Free hosting has been launched

In fact, it is a complete analogue of paid hosting with all the advantages, but you do not need to pay for it. By purchasing any domain or transferring a domain from another provider, you get free hosting at the "Smart" rate and can use all its features for a year.

Implemented free snapshots

Snapshots are a technology for instantly saving the state of the system at a certain point in time. They are made faster and easier than backups and take up little space. We've added free snapshots to the control panel so you can experiment with software installation or site settings without fear. If something goes wrong, you can always return the system to its previous state.

Vova is the main system administrator

Modernized equipment

We modernized the servers, increasing the power of processors and the amount of RAM. Thanks to the update of components, the servers work even more productively. We also installed new NVMe drives that are four times faster than SSDs.

Telegram bot has been launched

Now you can quickly get help in solving questions from our Telegram bot, which connects via a link.

What can he do?

  • Remind customers about timely payment of services;

  • Send urgent notifications about the state of the system;

  • Provide information about the balance;

  • Check the availability of domains;

  • Switch the client to a live operator.

And if you like communicating with technical support, you can leave a tip for the specialists using the chatbot.

Launched servers in Finland

Previously, our servers were located in Ukraine and Germany. In 2021, our equipment also appeared in Finland! These servers are fast and powerful, because they are equipped with NVMe drives of the new generation. And at the same time, the cost of hosting on a Finnish server is the same as on a Ukrainian server.

Implemented IPv6 and additional services for virtual and physical servers

We've updated our VPS pricing lineup so customers can get more disk space. Now virtual servers have disks of 250 and 400 gigabytes.

Users of all types of servers can order additional IP addresses and server load administration and monitoring services.

You can choose one of two packages:

  1. Server monitoring and server load monitoring;

  2. Server monitoring and administration (includes the capabilities of the previous package + three hours of administrator work per month).

Recently, the option of connecting to the new version of the Internet protocol IPv6 has been available to customers.

It is possible to activate all services in the client panel, you can also contact technical support for help.

We launched the Google PageSpeed module to optimize site loading speed

The site's response speed is a very important indicator for its successful operation. That's why we added the Google PageSpeed module to all hosting servers. It can be connected absolutely free!

This module is capable of compressing images, extending cache lifetime, removing excess from HTML, CSS and Javascript files and much more. Your sites will fly like hawks!

Expanded own network of IP addresses

We signed an agreement with Ripe and received the official status of LIR (Local Internet Registry) — a local Internet registrar with the right to allocate address space. Now we independently register new addresses for clients.

Launched the first server on Mars

Cityhost on Mars

On April 1, 2021, a historic event took place — a hosting server from Cityhost started transmitting data on Mars . Colleagues from SpaceX helped with the delivery of the equipment, and an uninterrupted communication channel was provided by the Starlink global high-speed Internet satellite system.

And since the democratic prices of Cityhost are distributed throughout the universe, the cost of Martian hosting is as pleasant as it is in Ukraine.

Yulia is the head of the support department

Updates in the work of technical support

In 2021, the composition of technical support specialists changed and expanded significantly. The team consists of people who are really interested in implementing the company's goals and providing quality services to clients. Thanks to this, the overall level of customer satisfaction has improved, whose requests are accompanied until the issue is fully resolved.

The composition of technical support has doubled, as a result of which the load on operators has decreased, the response time to tickets has decreased, and customer requests have begun to be processed much faster. In addition, now employees can engage in additional tasks (move client sites, create instructions and video instructions, learn).

This made it possible to actively fill the Cityhost YouTube channel with new video instructions for customers. If you don't know how to configure this or that function, just watch the video. And if you prefer text instructions, look for them in the FAQ section, where many new materials have also appeared this year.

In order for new operators to be able to quickly join the work, we have developed our own system of independent training, where all the material is prepared in portions for the gradual introduction of the operator into the work of the company.

And for those who are already working, an internal secret portal with instructions for operators has been created.

Our support is fast, professional and always in good humor.

Oleg - marketing director

Achievements in the information space

We worked not only on improving services, but also continued to master the information space in order to convey our ideas and views to people, to give network users more first-hand quality information.

They began to promote the accessibility of sites for people with visual impairments

We understand that many people who are visually impaired use the website. Only in Ukraine there are about one hundred thousand of them, and the global indicator is impressive - almost a quarter of the Earth's population has visual impairment.

In order to make the Internet more accessible to everyone, we have issued recommendations for site adaptation on our blog , on the AIN and MC.Today web resources.

In addition, we are ready to host inclusive sites for free. If your site is already adapted, contact technical support to get free hosting.

From January, we will start work on adapting our own website, and then we plan to launch a similar service for customers in cooperation with experts.

Reanimated the blog

During 2021, many useful articles on various topics appeared on the blog:

  • intricacies of working with hosting, servers and domains;

  • marketing secrets;

  • advice from lawyers on legal aspects of Internet activity;

  • instructions on site construction, optimization and promotion;

  • reviews of useful online services and much more.

It is important that we write our materials together with specialized specialists, so you can be sure of one hundred percent reliability of the facts.

A content marketer who professionally creates interesting content for the blog and partner publications on other sites has joined our team.

Bohdana is a content marketer

The most popular among blog articles:

Cooperation with partners

We partnered with's webinar series and participated in the Digital Marketing Trends 2021 annual online conference.

We cooperated with many large-scale information resources — articles by our experts were published in the blogs of digital agencies and companies.




Activity. Business:






And as long as you read all these articles, we will already write something new and no less interesting. But it will already be in the next year 2022, which we also plan to fill with new achievements and good news.

Cityhost wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We wish you a strong connection not only in the network, but also with your loved ones. And let your sites be as fast as a thought, and your content as unique as every person on Earth.

And what about without New Year's gifts? We give you a 30% discount on the order or renewal of hosting and virtual servers. It can be applied once to one service. That is, if you have two services connected, you can extend the validity of each of them with a 30% discount.

You can find a promo code for a discount in the post of our Telegram channel .

Best wishes for success in 2022

Your Cityhost

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