Despite the full-scale war in the country, Cityhost not only maintains its position in the top five industry leaders, but also continues to actively develop. We have made a number of technical updates, expanded the range of services and are promoting the business to a Western audience. A lot has been done recently, and we want to share all our achievements with you.
Added new NS server (ns2.controlpanel.host). All existing domains now have three registered NSs instead of two, and three NSs are registered immediately for new or transferred addresses. This increases the fault tolerance of domains and makes their operation more reliable and stable.
IPv6 — the modern version of the IP protocol — was introduced. All sites added to our DNS are assigned an additional IPv6 address that duplicates IPv4. All existing clients became automatically available via two protocols, and new ones are already "parked" on IPv6.
Convenient payment from Monobank has been connected. Another payment gateway was added - through the Monobank merchant. By the way, this method has one of the lowest fees among the available options — 1%. Now you can pay for services in four ways:
- Receipt with our details;
- Privat24 application;
- Visa and MasterCard using LIQPAY;
- Payment channel MONO.
Added support for unpacking Cyrillic archives in the file manager.
Added the ability to create srv and alias records. Two new types of records have appeared on DNS — now you can create additional resource DNS records srv and alias.
Added a search bar in the control panel for all sections: hosting , DNS, domains, VDS , dedicated servers , payment section.
A new version of the Ubuntu-22 operating system has been added for virtual servers (Ubuntu 18-20 was previously available). If you wish to upgrade your existing server to Ubuntu 22, this can be done through the terminal with the command do-release-upgrade (before doing this, make sure that all packages on your server are compatible with the new version).
The process of creating mirror domains has been optimized. For some Ukrainian domain zones, there are two variants of spelling — Russian and Ukrainian (for example, kharkov.ua and kharkiv.ua). Such domains are mirror domains and are assigned to one owner — only the customer who issued the first domain can issue a second domain (regardless of the order of issue). We have created a checkout guide for you and simplified the order logic in the control panel.
Update in SSH:
- Added the ability to interact with the created backup archive of the site via SSH.
- The convenience of working with mysql in cli mode has been improved, it is now allowed to connect to localhost without explicitly specifying the hostname.
- Made corrections in the operation logic of pdo_mysql when connecting to localhost.
Added the ability to select the PHP version from which the task will be launched and improve the work logic for the Cron tasker .
In addition, we are preparing to enter the European markets . We already have an English version for the control panel, and we will soon present a Polish version of the site.
These are the main improvements and updates in our work. In fact, every day we work to make the service even simpler and more reliable, improve the control panel written by our programmers, and look for opportunities to make cooperation as comfortable as possible for customers.