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Domain COM.UA

Domain registration for 399.00 грн.

Show price in

Domain value
Registration 399.00
Renewal 499.00
Transfer 299.00
Recovery 798.00
Registration time Instant
Maximum registration period 10 years
Minimum number of characters in name 1

Buying at Cityhost is profitable.

The cost of the domain in Cityhost and other providers:

*The table shows the cost of registration for 1 year as of 02.02.2024. is a second-level public domain included in the UA domain . This is the most popular zone in Ukraine, which has existed since 1995 and has about 310 thousand names as of February 2021.

The domain can be purchased by both legal entities and individuals of all forms of ownership, residents and non-residents of Ukraine, without restrictions. You do not need to submit any documents for registration. All you need to do is check whether the desired name is available and pay for the registration service. is a domain for any projects

The domain zone assumes that the sites that use it have a commercial focus. This is a rather conventional and stereotypical expression. As we said above, there are no restrictions. You can register the domain for a personal blog or information site. domains are very popular, because they are perfectly suited for the sites of any company and subject, geographically oriented to the Ukrainian audience.

Registration of domains is available without restrictions, and the low cost of purchase and renewal only adds to the area's popularity. All work with names is fully automated and uses the EPP protocol. In practice, this means that in a few minutes after payment you will become the owner of the desired domain.

To buy a domain name, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Check the domain.
  2. Enter information about the future owner.
  3. Pay for domain registration service.

Just three simple steps separate you from registering the domain.

Read the information before buying a domain

This zone, like almost all in Ukraine, works according to the EPP protocol. This is a special protocol for data exchange. In a specific case, it is used to transfer registration data between the registrar and the domain name administrator. Thanks to the use of this technology, you can register a com ua domain in just a few minutes. The minimum term for which domains can be registered is 1 year. The maximum period for extending the name is 10 years.

The name in the domain can contain from 1 to 63 characters. True, it is worth noting that one-letter domains have long been occupied. The characters that can be used in the name are English letters from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9. The zone also supports the possibility of registering so-called IDN domains. This means that the name can be Cyrillic and include characters from A to Z. It is important to note that you can only use either Cyrillic or Latin letters. Their joint use in the domain is impossible.

The life cycle of a domain includes:

  • registration period - most often 1 year or another paid period;
  • the period of preferential extension - 30 days from the moment of registration;
  • the period of possible restoration of the name - 30 days after the period of preferential extension;
  • domain deletion - 5 days.

For the user, this means that if you forget to pay for the domain, you will have 30 days to renew it at the standard price, then another 30 days to renew it at about 5 times the normal price, and after that period, the domain will be deleted within 5 days and is available for registration to anyone.

The domain is registered by default with the client's personal data hidden. They are not displayed in the international whois database. If it is necessary to open the registration data, it can be done by requesting technical support. It is possible to choose which data to open: first and last name, e-mail, telephone or address of the domain owner.

The cost of the domain is average compared to other Ukrainian domain zones. Thanks to constant promotions and discounts from Cityhost, you will be able to purchase a name at a very nice price, much cheaper than others.

Advantages of registering with the Registrar CityHost

CityHost is an official domain name registrar and hosting provider since 2005. All this time we invest our own knowledge and resources in quality and convenience. Registration domain names is automatic and management through a convenient panel developed by us. We monitor the expiration date of domains and notify customers in advance of the need for renewal.

 Advantages of registering with the Registrar CityHost

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It's easy with our domains:

  • Instant registration
  • Setting up HTTP redirects in one click
  • Sms reminder system
  • Hiding personal data
  • Prevent domain transactions
  • Full automation in control
  • SRV, NS, AAArecords
  • User-friendly control panel
  • IDN
  • Domain Registration Certificate
  • Auto-renewal of the service
  • Technical Support
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What to keep in mind when choosing a domain!

Market analysis

Market analysis

Your business begins with choosing a company name. And a website begins with a domain. Choose a site name and domain zone by studying the market in which you will be working.

What to keep in mind when choosing a domain!

Speed and convenience

Choosing a hosting provider, pay attention to the speed and convenience of domain registration, free additional services for creating websites, responsive and competent technical support. The minimum required set of services from the hosting provider includes hosting. If you're lucky - free hosting as a gift when you buy a domain

Website Builder

Website Builder

It will help you create a website on your own, even for a beginner. Top providers have clients who use this constructor for free.

Unique name

Unique name

Use unique and memorable names. When choosing a name, pay attention to the availability of several free and relevant domain zones for your activity. Buy similar domains, it will protect you from the creation of unscrupulous competitors clone sites on your site with similar names.

SSL certificate

SSL certificate

As a rule, the usual version of such a security certificate is provided free of charge when purchasing a domain.

E-mail address

E-mail address

You will want to use an email address with the domain name of your site. Providing such an email address is a free service from a good hosting provider.