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Telegram channel has launched an advertising exchange


Telegram has launched a new project, - a platform for finding new customers. The authors of the idea believe that this method is much more effective than the traditional approach to advertising.

Thanks to the instant notification system, any information you post will be seen by your entire audience. Messages are not lost in the news feed, as it happens in other networks. With the help of a regular manual check, "wound" indicators are removed from the contact sheet. Therefore, Telegram displays only active audiences, which helps to narrow the sales funnel.

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To connect to the service, you need to register:

  • choose a topic close to business, for example: "Cosmetology", "Finance" and so on;
  • download advertising materials: posts, photos, videos;
  • pay for the service in any convenient way, if desired, you can set up automatic balance replenishment;
  • fill out the application, which is updated during the day.

Users can order a premium package. For an additional fee, exchange specialists will prepare a business development strategy, form consumer channels and adjust reporting to the client's profile.

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