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New from AKAR: advertising will be supplemented with interactive material


In November, a new project launched to help both businesses and users. All advertisers of the country are collected in one database. With the help of interactive maps, the user will be able to select a list of companies by product specifics and locations in a matter of minutes.

The database contains the most complete data about the company: work experience, achievements, business features. The new principle of structuring information makes it easy to understand the search system. Convenient filters will make it possible to narrow the search to the desired range and combine various data, for example: location, price and service.

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The update provides an opportunity to search for new contacts to establish partnership relationships. Data in the system is updated online, so it is always up to date. The developers of the portal hope for the support of users, so they expect comments on the operation of the platform and suggestions for improving the mechanism.

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