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Node.js problem solving

1. Not selecting Node.js application version from control panel


Before choosing the application version, try to clean the folder with the site, for example, you can temporarily move all existing files to the directory above, then choose the application version and return the project files back.

If the hosting is limited to external connections due to malicious code, the node.js functionality will not be installed, before doing this, you need to clean the malicious code and run a hosting check.


2. Error when launching a Node.js application from the control panel


Not all application errors can be predicted in the control panel, so to get a specific error that prevents the application from running, execute the command from the site directory /var/www/логін_хостингу/.nvm/versions/node/версія_застосунку/bin/npm start in the command should replace логін_хостингу and версія_застосунку with your own data.


3. Permission denied error when starting modules


Check the permissions on the node_modules directory, its subdirectories and files, they must be executable (chmod +x), try chmod 777 -R node_modules and try running the module again with node_modules/.bin/назва_модуля


4. How to reinstall or remove Node.js functionality


The first start of the Node.js functionality automatically creates 2 directories .npm and .nvm in the root directory of the hosting, these directories store system files and user dependencies that use a certain number of inodes and disk space. Deleting these directories will allow you to reinstall the functionality from the control panel.


5. The node_modules directory is missing


After placing the project files, execute the ssh command npm install to download the dependencies/modules of the project from the root directory according to [instructions]


6. Changing the node version in SSH (test only)


If necessary, you can change the node version in ssh using the nvm use [версія] command, where [version] is the application version numbers installed on the server from .nvm/versions/node/ directory. Please note that the required version will appear in the catalog only after the first launch of this version from the hosting control panel. The application can fully function only within the versions that are available in the hosting control panel, and installing additional versions through the nvm utility will not guarantee the operation of the application on this particular version.

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