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Registration of domains RU / SU

For domains in the ru / su zone, there is a special registration procedure, which is written on the website of the National Domain Coordination Center: by reference .

You can check a free domain and register it on the page -

After you have chosen your domain name, clicked register and paid for it, a form will appear that you need to fill out:

After completing this form, choose who will be registered on the Physical Person :

or to a legal entity :

After filling in the data, the domain is sent for registration.


- The term of domain name registration is 1 year .

- The owner has the right to extend the domain name an unlimited number of times . If you want to own the domain for more than one year, you must continue the registration for the next period. The domain becomes available for renewal no earlier than 45 days before the registration expiration date. The maximum extension period is also one year. The number of "continuations" is not limited. To do this, you can configure " auto-renew "

- After the end of the registration, there is a preferential extension period, which lasts 30 days from the moment of the end of the registration. During this period, the current domain owner can be guaranteed to renew the domain .