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Domain IN

Domain registration in for 602.00 грн.

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Domain value in
Registration 602.00
Renewal 602.00
Transfer 452.00
Recovery 5069.00
Features in
Registration time Instant
Maximum registration period 10 years
Minimum number of characters in name 3

.IN is the national domain zone of India, but users of absolutely any country can buy an address in .IN. Purchase restrictions were lifted in 2005. Buying and registering a v.IN domain is allowed for a period of 1 to 10 years. You need to go through the standard procedure of choosing a name and registering. The advantage of registration in the .IN domain zone is the absence of requirements for providing passport data.

The name in the domain zone .IN can consist of 3 to 63 characters.

Who is .IN for?

Anyone who wants to buy a name in .IN should know that any individual or legal entity can register a domain. The .IN domain zone is suitable for the following Internet users:

  • small and medium business owners in India,

  • network administrators,

  • connoisseurs of Indian culture who want to promote their site to a higher position in the search engine.

With the help of the domain zone .IN, you can show a direct connection with Indian culture and protect your own brand. Copyright infringement can be easily prevented by registering a trademark under an Indian .IN name. It is worth buying a name in the .IN zone before another user has time to do so.

A bit of the history of .IN

The .IN address is a national domain name in India. It was delegated back in 1989, but registered only 3 years later. Initially, the rules for purchasing a .IN domain were very complicated. The database of names was simply idle for a long time, because it was practically not used. You can see this by statistical indicators: for more than 10 years, only 7000 domains were registered in the .IN database, which is an extremely low indicator. But already in 2005, the problem was solved, and the database was no longer closed to millions of Internet users. Many were attracted by beautiful and sonorous domains, so almost half of them were instantly sold out.

Advantages of registering in with the Registrar CityHost

CityHost is an official domain name registrar and hosting provider since 2005. All this time we invest our own knowledge and resources in quality and convenience. Registration domain names is automatic and management through a convenient panel developed by us. We monitor the expiration date of domains and notify customers in advance of the need for renewal.

 Advantages of registering in with the Registrar CityHost

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It's easy with our domains:

  • Instant registration
  • Setting up HTTP redirects in one click
  • Sms reminder system
  • Hiding personal data
  • Prevent domain transactions
  • Full automation in control
  • SRV, NS, AAArecords
  • User-friendly control panel
  • IDN
  • Domain Registration Certificate
  • Auto-renewal of the service
  • Technical Support
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What to keep in mind when choosing a domain!

Market analysis

Market analysis

Your business begins with choosing a company name. And a website begins with a domain. Choose a site name and domain zone by studying the market in which you will be working.

What to keep in mind when choosing a domain!

Speed and convenience

Choosing a hosting provider, pay attention to the speed and convenience of domain registration, free additional services for creating websites, responsive and competent technical support. The minimum required set of services from the hosting provider includes hosting. If you're lucky - free hosting as a gift when you buy a domain

Website Builder

Website Builder

It will help you create a website on your own, even for a beginner. Top providers have clients who use this constructor for free.

Unique name

Unique name

Use unique and memorable names. When choosing a name, pay attention to the availability of several free and relevant domain zones for your activity. Buy similar domains, it will protect you from the creation of unscrupulous competitors clone sites on your site with similar names.

SSL certificate

SSL certificate

As a rule, the usual version of such a security certificate is provided free of charge when purchasing a domain.

E-mail address

E-mail address

You will want to use an email address with the domain name of your site. Providing such an email address is a free service from a good hosting provider.

What is a domain?

Domain - the name of the web resource, which is indicated in the address bar after the protocol https: //. For example, is our domain.

It can consist of several levels:

  • Top level domain. Is unchanged and is selected from existing options. Indicates the site's affiliation to the country (.ua - Ukrainian site, .ru - Russian), company type (.com - commercial web resource, .org - non-commercial) or topic (.travel - tourist site, .education - educational portal).
  • 2nd level domain. It was invented by you. It usually consists of 1-2 words that describe the direction of the company's activity. For example: CityHost, Tehno-Shop, UkrZoloto.
  • 3rd level domain (subdomain). It is used to create separate categories of the site with a unique address - blog, forum, etc. For example, or Also, a third-level domain can be a name in the zone, for example.
How domains work

There are more than 1 billion sites on the Internet, and a special set of numbers called an IP address is used to identify them. For example, It is difficult for ordinary users to remember such information, therefore, instead of numerical combinations, they began to use site addresses and the DNS system, which connects them with IP.

The principle of domain operation is as follows:

  1. The user writes the site's URL in the browser.
  2. The DNS system starts checking the domain in the database and after receiving the necessary information sends a request to the server where the files of the web resource are located.
  3. The server processes the request and displays the requested page to the user.

Domain registration is an important procedure, without which the site will simply not be available to Internet users. The server plays an equally important role, as it stores the files of the web resource. To manage the site from a single control panel, it is best to buy a domain name and hosting from the same provider. This is both convenient (saves time when working with files) and profitable (a complex order is cheaper).

Why register a domain?

Without a domain, the site is available only on a local server, that is, it works in offline mode. If you want Internet users to access it, you need to register a domain name (site address) and purchase hosting (where data will be stored). The creation of any site begins with this. After registration and payment, it will be available online and other users will be able to access it.

It is recommended to use this procedure with maximum benefit. When you are going to buy a domain, come up with an original name that will attract the attention of users and, perhaps, become a well-known brand in the future. When registering, be sure to provide valid personal data so that you can prove that you are the owner of a specific domain.

What are the domains

There are 4 types of domains and each is used for a specific group of sites:

  • National. They are purchased for companies operating within the same country. For example, the .ua domain is registered by Ukrainian companies. But to buy it, you need to register your own trademark.
  • Regional. They are chosen for sites operating in a certain region. For example, the domain is suitable for online stores, blogs, news portals and other sites that are aimed only at users from Kharkiv.
  • general Previously, such domains defined the type of business. For example, .com is a commercial company, .org is a non-commercial one. Now there is no binding anymore and anyone can register a domain of this type.
  • Thematic. They are used to identify web resources of a specific topic. For example, .estate - sites that work in the field of real estate.

It is important to note that technically there is no difference in the domain zone and you can choose a name based on your personal preferences.

Is it possible to change a previously registered domain?

If you don't like the previous domain, you can always register a new one and redirect the old one. Just check first if the new name is free. If not - choose another one, if so - order it. Then you need to transfer the site to a new address, correctly configuring the redirection from the old URL. This is done in order to notify the search engines about the domain name change.

Importantly! Before buying a new domain, be sure to check its history. It is possible that a site that had a bad reputation in Google/Yandex used to work under this address. It is better to refuse such a domain, as it will make it difficult to promote the site in search engines in the future.

How long can you buy a domain?

The minimum term for which you can register a domain name is 1 year, the maximum is 10 years.

If you are starting the first project, take an inexpensive domain for 12 months. In the future, you will be able to use the auto-renewal function by specifying the period for which you want to renew the domain name. This option is useful for everyone who aims to work with the site for a long time and does not want to lose important data by accidentally forgetting to continue the service.

What to do if the desired domain is taken

If the desired address is occupied, there are three ways to solve the problem:

  • Price according to agreement. If the domain is occupied, but the web resource at this address is not available - most likely, the owner no longer needs it. You can try to contact him, using information from the W hois database, and ask him to sell the domain to you at an agreed price. If the site is working, it complicates the task. But even here you can offer the owner of the domain to sell it for a certain amount that suits both parties.
  • Choose a domain in another zone. If the desired name is taken, our system will offer similar options in other zones. The price of the domain will be indicated nearby, which will help you quickly navigate and make the right choice.
  • Change the name a little. If the domain is busy, you can write it with a hyphen - Or add a keyword that suits your business. For example, if you sell goods of the elite category, then, as an option, you can use the name