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What are keywords and how to choose them


Preparation for the creation and launch of the site is an important process that will affect the success of the project in the future. At this stage, an adaptive design is created, the structure is thought through, technical optimization is performed, and it is determined whether a lease of a dedicated server , VDS or virtual hosting is required.

An equally important part of preparing a site for creation and launch is the definition of words and phrases by which future clients will find it in search engines. After studying the information presented below, you will be able to perform part of the promotion tasks yourself and reduce costs for the services of SEO agencies.

What are keywords and phrases. Types of search queries

Keywords are words that describe the content of website pages. For example, one of the relevant keywords for a Ukrainian online shoe store is "buy men's shoes in Ukraine."

Depending on how often users around the world use a particular query to find the information they need, there are three types of keywords:

  • High frequency (HF) . The most highly competitive keywords, the promotion of the site for which is a complex, long and expensive process. They are requested more than 3,000 times a month. Example: "shoes".
  • Medium-frequency (MF). Such keywords for the site are requested approximately 1-3 thousand times a month. Promotion of the site for such requests is an easy way to get good volumes of quality traffic. Example: "shoes on heels".
  • Low-frequency (LF). Promoting a blog, portal or online store using such keywords is the easiest way to quickly get traffic to newly created sites. LF keys are requested up to 1000 times a month. Example: "summer men's shoes".

In addition to the division by the number of requests per month, search keywords and phrases are:

  • Informational. They are used when the user wants to find information that would solve a specific question. Example: "how to choose men's shoes."
  • Commercial (transactional). These prompts help the user perform a specific action. Example: "buy suede boots" or, if the website of a hosting company is promoted, "order cheap hosting".
  • Navigational Used by users who want to find a specific site. Example: "adidas official site".

The best services for selecting key phrases

Knowing what keywords are, you can start creating a semantic core. It is a set of keywords that most accurately characterize the type of activity, goods or services on the site. We recommend using the Yandex.Wordstat, Google Keyword Planner, Serpstat, and Semrash online tools for these purposes.


Determines the approximate number of impressions of advertisements in the Yandex.Direct. contextual advertising system, which the site will receive upon a certain request. There are detailed statistics on the number of impressions by month, region and device type.
Advantages: free, there are detailed statistics, it is easy to understand how to choose the right keywords.
Disadvantages: it is not available for residents of Ukraine without a VPN connection.

Google Keyword Planner

A web service similar to Yandex.Wordstat, but created for the Google Ads advertising system. It is used by SEO specialists to search for keywords, analyze the already created semantic core, and select additional keywords.
Advantages: free, there is filtering by the level of competition,
Disadvantages: can be used only after registering in the Google Ads contextual advertising service.


A comprehensive web tool for SEO specialists and marketers. Able to analyze competitors' advertising costs, check whether the pages are relevant to the semantics of the site, monitor positions in search engines and, of course, make the selection of keywords for the site as fast as possible.
Advantages: many functions for developing a marketing and SEO strategy.
Disadvantages: paid (from 182.4 dollars per year).


Like Serpstat, it is also a multifunctional SEO service. "Intelligence" of competitors, collection of semantic core, analysis of advertising strategy, analysis of promotion strategy in social networks, online assistant in finding popular blog topics are some of the capabilities of the web tool.
Advantages: convenient interface, many functions are not available in any of the listed services.
Disadvantages: very high price (from $999.4 per year)

Also read : How to choose a domain for a website .

Rule #1 to know when choosing keywords

Knowing how to choose keywords is the first and very big step to creating a successful online store, portal or blog. It is important to remember that one of the gross mistakes of inexperienced SEO specialists is oversaturating pages with keywords, as well as using the same keyword phrase to promote several pages at once. In the first case, the resource will be punished by a sharp drop in positions, and in the second case, by the complete removal of links to some of the results from search engines.

In order to develop an optimal SEO strategy, analyze the queries by which competitors' sites are promoted, and choose keywords, we recommend using the Serpstat web service. The money spent on a subscription to this tool pays for itself in a couple of months, and even those who only know the theory of search engine optimization, but have never applied this knowledge in practice, will be able to learn how to use it.

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