The GeoIP module library for apache, nginx and PHP (for all versions that support it) is installed on the hosting servers.
GeoIP library - allows you to get the region to which the IP address from which the request is sent belongs.
Our servers process 4 headers:
GEOIP_ADDR - IP адреса, з якого відправляється запит; GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODE - код континенту (Європа, Азія, Америка і т.д.); GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE - код країни, якій належить IP адреса; GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME - назва країни, якій належить IP адреса;
The names of the countries and the list of corresponding codes are available here: link to the source
You can get access to data variables that are transferred by the server using .htaccess or the built-in PHP library
To access the values, you can use two types of environment (HTTP and ENV) :
HTTP:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE або ENV:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE - .htaccess; $_SERVER['HTTP_GEOIP_ADDR'] або $_SERVER['HTTP_GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE'] - отримання даних з масиву області змінної $_SERVER для PHP;
— block access to all except IP addresses from Ukraine using .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} !^(UA)$ RewriteRule .* - [F] или SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE UA allowed_country Allow from env=allowed_country Deny from all
— block access to all except IP addresses from Ukraine and Germany using .htaccess :
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} !^(UA|DE)$ RewriteRule .* - [F] или SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE UA allowed_country SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE DE allowed_country Allow from env=allowed_country Deny from all
— block access to all users in Germany using .htaccess :
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} ^(DE)$ RewriteRule .* - [F] или SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE DE denied_country Deny from env=denied_country
— redirection from the main domain to a multilingual subdomain for all users not from Ukraine, depending on the region ( for example, if the visitor is from Germany - redirect to the DE.DOMAIN_NAME.ZONE subdomain, if from Ukraine - do not redirect ) using .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} !^(UA)$ RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{HTTP:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE}\.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]
— an example of a PHP implementation using the scope of the $_SERVER global variable :
— an example of a PHP implementation using the getenv() function:
var_dump(getenv(HTTP_GEOIP_ADDR)); var_dump(getenv(HTTP_GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODE)); var_dump(getenv(HTTP_GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE)); var_dump(getenv(HTTP_GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME));
— an example of a PHP implementation using the PHP GeoIP library :
$client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; var_dump(geoip_country_code_by_name($client_ip)); var_dump(geoip_continent_code_by_name($client_ip)); var_dump(geoip_country_name_by_name($client_ip));
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