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How to install WordPress manually?

To install WordPress CMS manually, you need:

1. For the site on which you will deploy the CMS, install a version of PHP higher than 5.6. You can do this with the help of [instructions] .

2. After that, download the latest version of CMS to your computer. You can download from [direct link] .

3. Next, using a [file manager] or any [FTP CLIENT], upload the downloaded archive in point 2 to the server, to the [site root directory] .

4. Unzip the downloaded archive to the server using [file manager] .

All CMS system files should be located in [site root directory]

5. In the MySQL section of your control panel, create a new database and database user for your site. You can do this with the help of [instructions] .

6. Go to the page of your site and start the installation by clicking on the [NEXT] button:

7. In the next menu item, enter the data for accessing the database created in [item 4] and click the [SEND] button:

[1] — Name of the database: the name of the database that you specified during creation. Details at the link: [instructions]
[2] - Database user: the name of the user who is assigned to the database. Details at the link: [instructions]
[3] — Password from the database user, which you specified when creating the user. Details at the link: [instructions]
[4] — Database server: localhost, or, or the hostname of your hosting server. Information is available in your control panel, section: [MySQL - Server for connection]

8. At the next stage, fill in all the necessary fields with current data and click the [Install WordPress] button:

[1] — The name of your site;
[2] — Username of the site administrator, which will be used for authorization in the admin panel;
[3] — Password from the administrator user, which will be used for authorization in the admin panel;
[4] — Email address of the administrator, which can be used for authorization or password recovery;