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Disabling wp-cron.php

wp-cron.php - WordPress task scheduler. Its tasks include launching scheduled posts, checking for updates to installed themes and plugins, sending messages and alerting service providers to monitor the publication of new material. Some of these tasks can be resource-intensive, plus the frequent call of the wp-cron.php script during the site's operation leads to an increased load on the server and further slowing down the site's operation. How often wp-cron.php is called can be viewed in the logs on FTP in the logs folder.

To disable wp-cron.php, you need to add a line in the wp-config.php file:

define ( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

To run cron tasks, you can use the task scheduler in the control panel - Hosting 2.0-Management - CRON

Example task:

/usr/bin/wget -t1 -O - 'http://мійсайт/wp-cron.php?Doing_wp_cron'

- in the task scheduler, in "Simple" mode, you need to insert a link without any symbols and select the command wget -O / dev / null at the top, set the frequency. All settings are complete!