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How to send a domain to hosting?

To transfer a domain to our hosting, you need:


1. If the domain is served on our NS, then you can set up the correct DNS to direct the domain to the hosting in the DNS settings menu by clicking the [Direct to hosting] button:



* Updating the DNS can take from 1 to 72 hours


2. If the domain was registered with another company, in this case:


  • - you need to add our NS servers at your registrar -
  • - After adding the NS servers, you need to add your domain in the DNS section and wait. According to the regulations, updates take place within 1-72 hours, however, this process usually takes about an hour.

3. To forward the domain to our hosting records, without using our NS servers , you it is enough to add address records to the IP address where your account is located:


Піддомен(subdomain) - @ Тип (type) - A Дані (value) - HOSTING_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS Піддомен (subdomain) - www Тип (type) - A Дані (value) - HOSTING_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS Піддомен (subdomain) - * Тип (type) - A Дані (value) - HOSTING_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

, where HOSTING_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS is the ip address of your hosting server, you can find out which one in the section
[Control Panel -- Hosting2.0 -- Management -- Hosting Server]:

— we recommend using our NS servers for ease of domain management;
— for the correct operation of the domain, delete the DNS AAAA (IPv6) settings, which are used to send domains/subdomains to us;