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Domain PRO

Domain registration pro for 1084.00 грн.

Show price pro in

Domain value pro
Registration 1084.00
Renewal 1084.00
Transfer 813.00
Recovery 5405.00
Features pro
Registration time Instant
Maximum registration period 10 years
Minimum number of characters in name 4

.PRO domain

The PRO domain is a thematic domain zone, the purpose of which is to emphasize the professionalism of the services offered on sites with such a domain.

With the appearance of the .PRO domain zone, new opportunities have opened up for organizations and individual experts. Documents confirming the legality of professional activity were required to register PRO domains. This imposed a serious responsibility for the level of services provided and meant that only licensed professionals and organizations would be able to register a domain in the .PRO zone.

Initially, it was only about a limited circle of professionals in their field: lawyers, engineers, doctors and other medical specialists. Later, this list expanded to several dozen types of activities, and the item "and other specialties" also appeared. The necessary documents have also changed, and now it was possible to register a .PRO domain after providing a diploma of higher or special education, a specialist certificate, company charter, etc.

Since November 16, 2015, the .PRO domain is available to anyone who considers himself a professional. What can he give you? First of all, this is status. If you consider yourself an expert in your field of expertise, let the domain speak for itself. In addition, it will definitely distinguish you in the market among competitors and help potential customers make a decision in your favor. It does not matter whether you provide services as an organization or an individual, the .PRO domain creates the first impression of you as a professional, and a high level of service only strengthens customer loyalty.

Advantages of registering pro with the Registrar CityHost

CityHost is an official domain name registrar and hosting provider since 2005. All this time we invest our own knowledge and resources in quality and convenience. Registration domain names is automatic and management through a convenient panel developed by us. We monitor the expiration date of domains and notify customers in advance of the need for renewal.

 Advantages of registering pro with the Registrar CityHost

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It's easy with our domains:

  • Instant registration
  • Setting up HTTP redirects in one click
  • Sms reminder system
  • Hiding personal data
  • Prevent domain transactions
  • Full automation in control
  • SRV, NS, AAArecords
  • User-friendly control panel
  • IDN
  • Domain Registration Certificate
  • Auto-renewal of the service
  • Technical Support
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Why you should register a domain with CityHost

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What to keep in mind when choosing a domain!

Market analysis

Market analysis

Your business begins with choosing a company name. And a website begins with a domain. Choose a site name and domain zone by studying the market in which you will be working.

What to keep in mind when choosing a domain!

Speed and convenience

Choosing a hosting provider, pay attention to the speed and convenience of domain registration, free additional services for creating websites, responsive and competent technical support. The minimum required set of services from the hosting provider includes hosting. If you're lucky - free hosting as a gift when you buy a domain

Website Builder

Website Builder

It will help you create a website on your own, even for a beginner. Top providers have clients who use this constructor for free.

Unique name

Unique name

Use unique and memorable names. When choosing a name, pay attention to the availability of several free and relevant domain zones for your activity. Buy similar domains, it will protect you from the creation of unscrupulous competitors clone sites on your site with similar names.

SSL certificate

SSL certificate

As a rule, the usual version of such a security certificate is provided free of charge when purchasing a domain.

E-mail address

E-mail address

You will want to use an email address with the domain name of your site. Providing such an email address is a free service from a good hosting provider.