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How to design your channel on YouTube


Registering a YouTube channel is easy. But he will simply become one of many and get lost. To make it popular, you need to put a lot of effort into creating quality videos. And the first thing to start with is the design of the YouTube channel.

Why? The YouTube channel should be attractive for users, memorable from the first time, stimulate subscription and subsequent visits. And this should be given special attention. How to make a YouTube channel? This is what our article is dedicated to.

Designing a YouTube channel: step-by-step instructions

When planning the creation of a YouTube channel, it is necessary to think over its idea and focus, determine the target audience, and set goals that it will fulfill. You should have done this already.

Now it's time to think about creative design. Even super interesting and useful videos may not find viewers if a silly YouTube channel name is chosen. Or if it is poorly designed.

Therefore, after registering on YouTube, you need to allocate time to bring the channel into proper shape. This is necessary to make it unique, memorable and attention-grabbing.

To do this, you should know the key stages of creating a YouTube channel. There are many of them, so let's consider each step in more detail.


The name of the YouTube channel must be entered at the registration stage. Therefore, you should think about it in advance. However, at the beginning, you can write any name, because it is edited at any time.

The name indicates:

  1. Own name. This option is suitable for people who keep a personal blog or video diary. Specify the name and users who promote their talents or sell designer things.
  2. Brand name. This option is relevant for commercial projects. That is, for companies that create a YouTube channel to make the promotion of the site more effective. And at the same time - to receive a stream of users from a new source.
  3. Key request. The main query most relevant to the topic of the channel is indicated. Such that users immediately understand what it is dedicated to.


An avatar is a business card of a YouTube channel. Through it, users will get to know you among numerous subscriptions. It shows:

  • on the main page;
  • in search;
  • on statistics and advertising sites.

Also, the avatar is shown in your comments. Therefore, it is necessary to try to make it unique, memorable and associated only with your channel. Here you can use a personal photo, company logo or brand symbol. Of course, the picture must be high-quality, clear, with high resolution.


The cap (cover) is displayed at the top of the main page. Takes the entire width of the screen. This is the first thing that users see when visiting the channel, so try to reveal its specifics as accurately as possible with the help of an image. So that any person would understand where he entered. Of course, the picture must be beautiful and unique (taking from the Internet is not recommended).

The cover must include key information about the channel. For example, the domain name of the site, contacts for communication, announcements, links, calls to action.

And be sure to check how it looks on different devices. Users access the YouTube channel from computers and laptops, smartphones and tablets. And all devices have different screen sizes.

Text information

The text on the YouTube channel is one of the key elements for its promotion. When writing, consider simple recommendations:

  • optimal text length - up to 1000 characters without spaces;
  • the description should be short, concise, without errors;
  • describe the specifics of the channel clearly and to the point, emphasize what users will get if they subscribe;
  • specify useful and interesting information (about yourself and your creativity, about the company or brand);
  • spell out key queries for search engines (but strike a balance to maintain readability).


Since users go to YouTube to watch, not read, then in addition to the description for the channel, you need to create a high-quality trailer. It is a short video that is automatically shown when you visit the main page. Tell about your own project in it so that new users want to subscribe from the first seconds.


Thematic playlists help to divide video content into groups. They are displayed on the main page and help users find the videos they are interested in faster. This way, you will catch two birds with one stone: you will increase the interest of people and increase your position in distribution.

Making video clips

Posting a video on YouTube is half the battle. It still needs to be properly designed. The registration process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Screen saver . It is called a prevyushka or a miniature. It reflects the essence of the video. It is displayed when the video is first opened (until it is turned on). To create a screen saver, you can take a good frame from the video itself. Or create it in Photoshop, coming up with a creative title and adding other elements that will attract attention.
  2. Company logo . This is a semi-transparent icon that is inserted into videos. Confirms that the content belongs to your YouTube channel. When copying videos without permission, users will immediately see where they are taken from. The logo should not distract from viewing the content, so it is designed simply and concisely. The main thing is that it should be clear and clearly visible.
  3. Tags . They are registered for search engines. Contains the most relevant key queries that users can use to find you from search. If you don't insert the tags yourself, Youtube will do it automatically. Of course, the service selects them at random, which will have a bad effect on the number of views and the popularity of the channel.


Now you know how to design a YouTube channel, and why you need to do it. It is not necessary to turn to specialists. Manipulations are very simple - minimal skills in Photoshop or another graphic editor are enough. There are also many free services (Crello, Bannerboo) and even ready-made templates in YouTube itself.

The above tips are universal and suitable for everyone: those who created a YouTube channel to promote the site, to sell goods or to earn money from advertising. The specifics of the business and the chosen topic are of no importance in this case.

It is recommended to think over the design before registering a channel on YouTube. After creating it, you will immediately be able to competently design it and from the first days attract users who are interested in your topic.

As the channel develops, the design can be changed. And it will have to be done. When you get a huge number of subscribers, you can entrust the design to specialists. After all, the cap, avatar, trailer and other elements of millionaire channels must be performed at the appropriate level.

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