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Free domain

Free domain with every hosting

The domain is free

More tariffs
Rate Apartment
from 89.36 uah / month.
from 126.06 uah / month.
from 188.23 uah / month.
from 236.54 uah / month.
NVME disk space 10 Gb20 Gb40 Gb60 Gb
The cost of continuing the service
Renew price
111.71 uah / month. 157.58 uah / month. 235.29 uah / month. 295.68 uah / month.
The number of individual sites, subdomains and aliases (aliases) that can be placed within a single hosting account
Countries that are available to host your sites on our servers
Server Location
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The number of electronic mailboxes that can be created within the specified hosting plan
You get a domain name for 0 UAH when ordering hosting for 1 or 2 years.
Free domain🎁
up to 250 uah up to 350 uah up to 450 uah up to 450 uah
You can get a free SSL certificate for any domain hosted by our company.
SSL certificate
The amount of RAM that is allocated to 1 php process. This parameter can significantly affect the speed of the site.
PHP memory_limit
512 MB1024 MB1024 MB1536 MB
Each virtual hosting server supports working with databases MySQL. This box specifies the number of MySQL databases that can be created within the ordered hosting plan.
MySQL 5.7, 8.0
Support for PHP versions 5.2-8.4 with the ability to automatically switch directly in the control panel!
PHP 5.2-8.4
NodeJS support
Advanced Protocol Support HTTP/2
The ability to use the website builder to easily and quickly create a business card site or landing page.
Website Builder
Technical support opening hours by phone and e-mail
Technical Support
Before buying a hosting, you can test and verify the quality of the services provided for hosting sites. The test period is 10 days.
Test period
10 days10 days10 days10 days
from 89.36 uah / month. 203.10 uah / month. from 126.06 uah / month. 286.50 uah / month. from 188.23 uah / month. 427.80 uah / month. from 236.54 uah / month. 537.60 uah / month.
Buy Buy Buy Buy
Number of index descriptors (files and folders) that can be placed
Number of inodes
Maximum daily CPU load
5 %8 %12 %15 %
This is one of Google's tools designed to improve page load speeds.
Page Speed Module
The automatic DDoS attack protection system detects viral traffic and blocks it, while letting real users through
Protection from DDoS
Additional tools to improve site performance by caching content and source code.
Memcache / OPcache / Redis
Intelligent anti-virus protection with heuristic analysis of program code
Anti-virus protection
Blocking unwanted advertising messages by the SPAM filter
Access to the hosting account via SSH protocol. Available on request.
Web interface for managing MySQL databases.
A special PHP module that allows you to run Zend Encoder and Zend Guard encoded php scripts.
Zend Optimizer
A special PHP module that allows you to run php-scripts encoded with ionCube Encoder.
ionCube Loader
A server application that allows you to run cyclic tasks on a schedule.
Ability to use Perl, Python and other programming languages on shared hosting servers
Support for PHP cURL library
A unique server monitoring system developed by the Ukrainian hosting provider Allows you to determine in advance the possible technical problems on the servers of virtual hosting. With the help of this system of analysis and monitoring we were able to achieve some of the best results on Uptime servers in Ukraine.
Server Monitoring
We'll protect you from password hacking attempts to the administrative part of your CMS.
Protection against CMS password cracking
Every day at night all files and databases are copied to a backup server, which can protect you from unintentional loss of information.
Callback widget to your website
Callback service
from 89.36 uah / month. 111.71 uah / month. from 126.06 uah / month. 157.58 uah / month. from 188.23 uah / month. 235.29 uah / month. from 236.54 uah / month. 295.68 uah / month.
Buy Buy Buy Buy
More tariffs
Rate Unlim Lite
from 110.09 uah / month.
Unlim Optimal
from 211.60 uah / month.
Max Unlim
from 323.14 uah / month.
Premium Unlim
from 557.44 uah / month.
NVME disk space
The cost of continuing the service
Renew price
137.61 uah / month. 264.50 uah / month. 403.92 uah / month. 696.80 uah / month.
The number of individual sites, subdomains and aliases (aliases) that can be placed within a single hosting account
Countries that are available to host your sites on our servers
Server Location
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Germany
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Finland
The possibility of hosting the site in the country: Ukraine
The number of electronic mailboxes that can be created within the specified hosting plan
You get a domain name for 0 UAH when ordering hosting for 1 or 2 years.
Free domain🎁
up to 300 uah up to 450 uah up to 1000 uah up to 1000 uah
You can get a free SSL certificate for any domain hosted by our company.
SSL certificate
The amount of RAM that is allocated to 1 php process. This parameter can significantly affect the speed of the site.
PHP memory_limit
512 MB512 MB1024 MB1536 MB
Each virtual hosting server supports working with databases MySQL. This box specifies the number of MySQL databases that can be created within the ordered hosting plan.
MySQL 5.7, 8.0
Support for PHP versions 5.2-8.4 with the ability to automatically switch directly in the control panel!
PHP 5.2-8.4
NodeJS support
Advanced Protocol Support HTTP/2
The ability to use the website builder to easily and quickly create a business card site or landing page.
Website Builder
Technical support opening hours by phone and e-mail
Technical Support
Before buying a hosting, you can test and verify the quality of the services provided for hosting sites. The test period is 10 days.
Test period
10 days10 days10 days10 days
from 110.09 uah / month. 250.20 uah / month. from 211.60 uah / month. 480.90 uah / month. from 323.14 uah / month. 734.40 uah / month. from 557.44 uah / month. 1266.90 uah / month.
The maximum size of media content that is allowed to be placed on each individual site within the Unlim hosting tariffs (GB)
Media content limit
10 GB20 GB30 GB40 GB
Number of index descriptors (files and folders) that can be placed
Number of inodes
Maximum daily CPU load
5 %10 %30 %50 %
This is one of Google's tools designed to improve page load speeds.
Page Speed Module
The automatic DDoS attack protection system detects viral traffic and blocks it, while letting real users through
Protection from DDoS
Additional tools to improve site performance by caching content and source code.
Memcache / OPcache / Redis
Intelligent anti-virus protection with heuristic analysis of program code
Anti-virus protection
Blocking unwanted advertising messages by the SPAM filter
Access to the hosting account via SSH protocol. Available on request.
Web interface for managing MySQL databases.
A special PHP module that allows you to run Zend Encoder and Zend Guard encoded php scripts.
Zend Optimizer
A special PHP module that allows you to run php-scripts encoded with ionCube Encoder.
ionCube Loader
A server application that allows you to run cyclic tasks on a schedule.
Ability to use Perl, Python and other programming languages on shared hosting servers
Support for PHP cURL library
A unique server monitoring system developed by the Ukrainian hosting provider Allows you to determine in advance the possible technical problems on the servers of virtual hosting. With the help of this system of analysis and monitoring we were able to achieve some of the best results on Uptime servers in Ukraine.
Server Monitoring
We'll protect you from password hacking attempts to the administrative part of your CMS.
Protection against CMS password cracking
Every day at night all files and databases are copied to a backup server, which can protect you from unintentional loss of information.
Callback widget to your website
Callback service
from 110.09 uah / month. 137.61 uah / month. from 211.60 uah / month. 264.50 uah / month. from 323.14 uah / month. 403.92 uah / month. from 557.44 uah / month. 696.80 uah / month.

A domain is the letter address of a website that people use to find it on the Internet, such as There are millions of domains and hundreds of domain zones in which they are hosted.

Domain zones are divided into categories:

The domain is the visiting card of the site, which can tell a lot about the user. To successfully promote a resource, you need to find a good address. The name should be easy to read and remember, have a neat and stylish appearance, reflect the meaning of the site.

Can I register a domain for free?

Domain registration is a paid service for which a budget is allocated when creating a website. But is it possible to get a free domain?

Such offers are easy to find on the Internet. There are two main options:

  1. Registration in the free zone. This method has its disadvantages. Firstly, all interesting names are already sorted, and secondly, it is immediately clear from the name that the domain is free.
  2. Free domain in the site builder. There are platforms where you can create a landing page and get a free domain in addition. But in fact, this is a third-level subdomain of the platform itself. It looks something like this: and does not inspire much confidence in users.

Such domains are suitable for hosting portfolios, blogs, amateur non-commercial sites. When it comes to business, a free domain doesn't reflect well on its image.

But Cityhost has another option to register a domain for free for a year.

When buying any hosting for a period of 12 months or more, the client receives a domain as a gift. You can choose any of the free names in any available domain zone, but you will not have to pay for domain registration.

How to register a domain for free?

For each tariff there is a "Free domain" item. The market value of the domain that the client will receive as a gift depends on the tariff. Yes, in the Apartment tariff you can get a free domain worth up to 250 hryvnias, and in Penthouse it will be a gift for 450 hryvnias.

Registration of a free domain takes place during registration of the hosting service. Choose an order of a certain tariff and fill in all the fields. You need to enter the selected domain name in the "Site address" field, check the "Register a domain" box and select "Payment period" of 12 or 24 months.

After entering the registration data, the system will offer to make payment in any convenient way. A few hours after payment, you can already place your site on hosting and domain.

Which domains can be registered for free?

These are any free domain names within the amount provided by the tariff. The first part of the domain is a word or a combination of letters that the client invents himself, the flight of imagination is not limited here. After the first dot, the name of the domain zone begins.

Register any domain name, if you like it and it corresponds to the theme of the site - even, even, even

For example, the Apartment+ tariff includes a gift domain worth up to UAH 350. So, you can get free addresses such as (market value 229 UAH), (316 UAH), (219 UAH) and others.

The price at the time of registration is taken into account, including the promotional price. Since the prices of domains are constantly fluctuating, we recommend that you check them immediately before buying.

With us, you can register the domain,, com, net, org,, and others for free.

How long can you get a domain for free?

A free domain is not provided forever, but for 1 year when purchasing hosting. After the expiration of this period, the client can continue the service at the usual price and continue to use the domain.

At the same time, the domain is registered to the customer. At any time, you can transfer the domain to another registrar or switch to hosting with another provider. A free domain is created and works according to the same principles as a paid domain. The customer has full rights to it and can continue and use as much as needed.