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TE.UA and TERNOPIL.UA — update and transition to a new domain operation protocol

From May 15, 2015 , the TE.UA and TERNOPIL.UA domains will switch completely to a new mode of operation based on the EPP protocol. This protocol will allow you to register, change, and extend domains instantly, protect domain ownership from appropriation by third parties, and also provide normal whois information about the domain, its registration expiration date, owner, etc. Until this period, the possibility of domain registration, their change or transfer will not be available. These features will be available starting May 15, 2015.

Previously, domain zones TE.UA and TERNOPIL.UA had a very limited whois, which only allowed to check whether the domain is free or registered. Also, domain owners in the zones often faced long processing of applications — they could be processed for a week or more. Switching to a new work protocol will completely save the domain zone from such complications. We remind you that domains in the international domain zones com, net, org, as well as most Ukrainian domain zones, work on this protocol.