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Domain .TOP UAH 86.

The promotion has expired

Finally, one of the most popular domains has become as accessible as possible for registration! 2,197,574 domain names are already registered in the .top domain zone. According to our company's statistics, it is second to none in the number of .com or .net domain registrations. Simple, easy to remember, understandable in any language.

Promotional price for registration in the .TOP domain zone - UAH 86.

Who can register .TOP at a promotional price?

We do not introduce any restrictions in the registration of this domain - it is accessible both for new and for our existing customers.

Promotion price period

04/02/2018 - 04/30/2018.

If you are a new customer

Do not forget to take your 3 months of hosting as a gift - because the "Domain + Hosting Spring Offer" is valid for you. When registering a domain, choose any hosting tariff.

The promotional price for the .top domain is valid only for new domain registration, domain renewal is carried out at the regular price.