1C-Bitrix is considered the most popular of all CMS in our country. With its help, you can relatively quickly and easily create a site with convenient navigation and extensive administration options.
Characteristics of the engine
1C-Bitrix is ideal for creating commercial websites. This system allows administration in automatic mode. Even a manager who does not have special knowledge and skills can easily publish new materials, add products to the catalog, upload prices, and keep statistics. The Bitrix system is indispensable for running an online business. Many successful online stores and commercial portals have been created with its help.
After the system has been installed, the development of the structure of the future site is started directly. First of all, the degree of its compliance with the current requirements of modern search engines and the convenience of the site for users are taken into account.
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Technical parameters should be adjusted and optimized, after which the site will be filled with content with appropriate indicators of usefulness and uniqueness. Using modules, you can significantly expand the functionality of the project. With their help, various options are implemented on the site, which make interaction with customers the most effective. Modules allow you to configure rights for different users.
With the help of extensions, various windows are created, processes are automated . You can configure the backup of the resource according to the schedule, which is set in the settings of the corresponding plugin. This is a very important condition for the uninterrupted operation of the site, as it allows you to have an up-to-date version at your disposal, with the help of which the site can be restored or moved.
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Working with the 1C-Bitrix system does not require special knowledge and long-term training . Administration can be carried out by any person, using a database containing a wide range of educational materials as a reference material. The popularity of CMS 1C-Bitrix is constantly growing, thanks to such outstanding advantages as constant updating accompanied by error correction, the possibility of integration with 1C, available support and the availability of a large database of educational materials in free access.
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