In the near future, Yandex.Market will regularly track errors in the operation of Turbo pages. Correcting errors in the online mode will help to increase the level of trust of buyers in the platform and will allow "not to lose" the order. According to research results, more than 60% of buyers expect to receive confirmation of their order within a few hours.
You will also be interested in : Free site creation by yourself .To check the correctness of the page, after connecting to it, a Yandex.Market employee makes a test order and checks how quickly the information becomes available and processed by the store.
In addition, the Turbo page will monitor daily:
- relevance and correctness of the price: do the prices on the main source and on the Page match;
- the correctness of product cards: do links to empty pages pop up?
When an error is detected, the system signals the need to make changes. Was the publication informative? Then share it on social networks. We remind you that you can buy unlimited hosting or register the lviv.ua domain at the CityHost hosting company. For technical questions, contact the online chat or call ? 0 800 219 220.